The complete error is:
ERROR 1064 (42000) at line 355: You have an error in your SQL syntax;
check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the
right syntax to use near 'Purge     CHAR(1),
        Dehydration     CHAR(1),
        SomachDistention        CHAR(1),
        TissueGas       CH' at line 12

CREATE TABLE if not exists EmbalmingCaseHistory (
        CaseNumber      CHAR(50) NOT NULL,
        PersonalEffectsYes      CHAR(20),
        PersonalEffectsNo       CHAR(1),
        Description     TEXT,
        CauseOfDeath    TEXT,
        TimeStarted     DATETIME,
        TimeCompleted   DATETIME,
        Normal  CHAR(1),
        Emaciated       CHAR(1),
        Edema   CHAR(1),
        Purge   CHAR(1),
        Dehydration     CHAR(1),
        SomachDistention        CHAR(1),
        TissueGas       CHAR(1),
        SkinSlip        CHAR(1),
        Jaundice        CHAR(1),
        BodyRefrigerated        CHAR(1),
        HowLong CHAR(50),
        RogorMortis     CHAR(1),
        IVLeakage       CHAR(1),
        Discoloration   TEXT,
        Swelling        TEXT,
        AutopsyFull     CHAR(1),
        AutospyThoracic CHAR(1),
        AutopsyAbdominal        CHAR(1),
        AutospyCranial  CHAR(1),
        RemarksPriorToEmbalming TEXT,
        NeedleInjector  CHAR(1),
        Sutures CHAR(1),
        MouthClosureRemarks     TEXT,
        c_Natural       CHAR(1),
        Mouthformer     CHAR(1),
        Cotton  CHAR(1),
        DenturesUpper   CHAR(1),
        DenturesLower   CHAR(1),
        EyeCaps CHAR(1),
        EyeCotton       CHAR(1),
        EyeOther        CHAR(1),
        EyeOther1       CHAR(50),
        CarotidR        CHAR(1),
        CarotidL        CHAR(1),
        SubclavianR     CHAR(1),
        SubclavianL     CHAR(1),
        AxillaryR       CHAR(1),
        AxillaryL       CHAR(1),
        BrachialR       CHAR(1),
        BrachialL       CHAR(1),
        IlliacR CHAR(1),
        IlliacL CHAR(1),
        FemoralR        CHAR(1),
        FemoralL        CHAR(1),
        RadialR CHAR(1),
        RadialL CHAR(1),
        UlnarR  CHAR(1),
        UlnarL  CHAR(1),
        ArteriesOther   CHAR(50),
        VJugularR       CHAR(1),
        VJugularL       CHAR(1),
        VAxillaryR      CHAR(1),
        VAxillaryL      CHAR(1),
        VIlliacR        CHAR(1),
        VIlliacL        CHAR(1),
        VFomoralR       CHAR(1),
        VFomoralL       CHAR(1),
        VeinsOther      CHAR(50),
        HairWashedYes   CHAR(1),
        HairWashedNo    CHAR(1),
        BodyBathedYes   CHAR(1),
        BodyBathedNo    CHAR(1),
        EyesNoseMouthDisinfectedYes     CHAR(1),
        EyesNoseMouthDisinfectedNo      CHAR(1),
        ArterialConditionGood   CHAR(1),
        ArterialConditionFair   CHAR(1),
        ArterialConditionPoor   CHAR(1),
        DrainageIntermittent    CHAR(1),
        DrainageContinuoust     CHAR(1),
        AspirationTreatmentImmediate    CHAR(1),
        AspirationTreatmentDelayed      CHAR(1),
        AspirationTreatmentHydro        CHAR(1),
        AspirationTreatmentElectric     CHAR(1),
        CavityTreatmentFluid    CHAR(4),
        CavityTreatmentType     CHAR(12),
        FluidDilutionsPreInjectedOz     CHAR(5),
        FluidDilutionsPreInjectedGal    CHAR(5),
        FluidDilutionsPreInjectedType   CHAR(12),
        FluidDilutionsPreInjectedIndex  CHAR(5),
        FluidDilutionsArterialOz        CHAR(5),
        FluidDilutionsArterialGal       CHAR(5),
        FluidDilutionsArterialType      CHAR(12),
        FluidDilutionsArterialIndex     CHAR(5),
        FluidDilutionsArterialOz1       CHAR(5),
        FluidDilutionsArterialGal1      CHAR(5),
        FluidDilutionsArterialType1     CHAR(12),
        FluidDilutionsArterialIndex1    CHAR(50),
        FluidDilutionsArterialOz2       CHAR(5),
        FluidDilutionsArterialGal2      CHAR(5),
        FluidDilutionsArterialType2     CHAR(12),
        FluidDilutionsArterialIndex2    CHAR(5),
        FluidDistributionGood   CHAR(1),
        FluidDistributionFair   CHAR(1),
        FluidDistributionPoor   CHAR(1),
        AreasReceivingPoorCirculation   TEXT,
        HowTreatedChemicalsUsed TEXT,
        HypodermicTreatmentArms CHAR(1),
        HypodermicTreatmentLegs CHAR(1),
        HypodermicTreatmentTorso        CHAR(1),
        HypodermicTreatmentNeck CHAR(1),
        HypodermicTreatmentFace CHAR(1),
        HypodermicTreatmentHands        CHAR(1),
        HypodermicTreatmentFingers      CHAR(1),
        HypodermicTreatmentOther        CHAR(1),
        HypodermicTreatmentOther1       CHAR(10),
        Condition       TEXT,
        Recommendations TEXT,
        EmbalmedBy      CHAR(50),
        EmbalmedLicenseNumber   CHAR(50),
        INDEX CavityTreatmentFluid ( CavityTreatmentFluid ),
        PRIMARY KEY ( CaseNumber )

On Thu, 04 Nov 2004 17:34:14 +0200, Gleb Paharenko
> Hi.
> You may send us fragment of your file, near line 355.
> spiv007 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Thanks,  I go the dump now. but when i go to import the dump:
> >
> > mysql -D sd2000 -u root < mysqldump.txt
> >
> > Im getting errors; ERROR 1064 (42000) at line 355: You have an error
> > in your SQL syntax; check the manual, etc!!!
> >
> > What does this means?
> >
> >
> > On Wed, 03 Nov 2004 09:23:53 +0200, Gleb Paharenko
> > <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> Hi.
> >>
> >> What version of MySQL do you use?
> >>
> >> To make it easier to reload dump files for tables that have foreign key
> >>
> >> relationships, mysqldump automatically includes a statement in the dump
> >>
> >> output to set FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS to 0 as of MySQL 4.1.1.
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> spiv007 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>
> >> > I just dumped my access tables into mysql via mysql dump script.
> >>
> >> >
> >>
> >> > But now when i del my ables in access then do an import it does not
> >>
> >> > save the primary key info nor the tables relationships.  Is there
> >>
> >> > something I need to do to save this info before i remove the old
> >>
> >> > tables and insert the links.  Because everything things works fine
> >>
> >> > until i del the tables.
> >>
> >> >
> >>
> >> >
> >>
> >> > Thanks for any ideals...
> >>
> >> >
> >>
> >>
> >> --
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> >>   /  |/  /_ __/ __/ __ \/ /    Gleb Paharenko
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> >> /_/  /_/\_, /___/\___\_\___/   MySQL AB / Ensita.NET
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> >>
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> >
> --
> For technical support contracts, goto
> This email is sponsored by Ensita.NET
>    __  ___     ___ ____  __
>   /  |/  /_ __/ __/ __ \/ /    Gleb Paharenko
>  / /|_/ / // /\ \/ /_/ / /__   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> /_/  /_/\_, /___/\___\_\___/   MySQL AB / Ensita.NET
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