We have an issue related to backup a specific db mounted on MySql 3.23.58 and 
RedHat 8 OS. 
The server is running Brightor Arcserve Backup agents for MySQL and cannot 
backup the entire database. Our Computer Associates support say that this error 
is originated by MySQL, but only occur when the agent try to access a specific 
db.  Other databases in MySQL donīt report errors and the CA agent can do 
normal backup.

Following the issue and the screen reported when launching mysqldump command. 
This method is used for Brighstor backup agent.
Can you help me ?

mysqldump -F --opt -S <socket> -P <port> -u <username --password=<password> 

-- MySQL dump 8.23


-- Host: localhost Database: xxxx


-- Server version 3.23.58-log

Got error: 1105: File '/usr/local/mysql/var/atmail/Abook_vx.MYD' not found
(Errcode: 24) when using LOCK TABLES

But the message not is always with the table Abook_vx.MYD. 
Sometimes appear in Abook_vx.MYD, other in data files .MYD and other in .frm 
Our database has 7000 tables. Could be this the problem ?
The backup support say that the problem resides in the amount of tables open at 
the same time.

Thanks in advance,

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