
I've read the article about 'prepared statement' found in MySQL 4.1, and am
not sure if I understood what 'prepared statement' does and how can it
benefit us.  Can anyone elaborate on what 'prepared statement' could do with
examples where possible?

In the simplest case, consider this:

You have an application (say a webpage), which receives user input (say a submitted form) which contain an e-mail address that you want to insert into a database. Let's say you have this form field in a variable called $email:

$dbh->do("INSERT INTO mytable (email) VALUES ('$email')");

Now if you do not verify what is in $email, and the user passes you this : notavalidemail@'adress
you can run into trouble, as the above statement will parse to
"INSERT INTO mytable (email) VALUES ('notavalidemail@'adress)"
which is not good, it produces an SQL error because of the "extra" ' character. You can run into more serious trouble if you get something more SQL-like from your form, say "DELETE FROM mytable" or something like that ;-)

Using placeholders take care of quoting, that is, the SQL statement will always be valid, at the data will no longer be part of the query. This:
$dbh->do("INSERT INTO mytable (email) VALUES (?)", undef, $email);
...will insert $email into the table without a runtime error (well, it is probably not what you want, as you will have an invalid e-mail address, but it is still better compared to letting others execute SQL commands on your machine...)

This thing by itself should be enough for anyone NOT to use "non-prepared" statements (like many badly written PHP scripts do). But there are more things... well, read the article once again, or wait for another e-mail on speed benefits :-)

- Csongor

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