Ah!  Many thanks.  That appears to be our problem here:

mysql> show variables like 'colla%';
| Variable_name        | Value             |
| collation_connection | latin1_swedish_ci |
| collation_database   | utf8_general_ci   |
| collation_server     | utf8_general_ci   |

I'll work on getting all the connections onto the same collation page.

Very many thanks again!


Santino wrote:
I think your tables have a collation different from the connection collation.

Open mysql client:

mysql> show variables like 'colla%';
| Variable_name        | Value             |
| collation_connection | latin1_swedish_ci |
| collation_database   | latin1_swedish_ci |
| collation_server     | latin1_swedish_ci |
3 rows in set (0.04 sec)

and if are different set the collation in your my.cnf file.

At 8:59 -0800 30-11-2004, V. M. Brasseur wrote:

Ever since we upgraded to 4.1.7, we've been seeing a lot of errors similiar to this one:

ERROR 1267 (HY000): Illegal mix of collations (utf8_general_ci,IMPLICIT) and (latin1_swedish_ci,COERCIBLE) for operation 'locate'

The query which generated this particular error is this:

SELECT COUNT(*) FROM holdsplaced WHERE timestampDatePlaced <= 20041130040000 AND INSTR( sPatronName, 'bubba' ) != 0;

But other queries have also been kicking this error out as well.

The server is being started with the following options (some altered to protect the innocent):

mysqld would have been started with the following arguments:
--basedir=/dbs/tpp/mysql-4.1 --datadir=/dbs/tpp/mysql-4.1/data --port=<portnum> --socket=/dbs/tpp/mysql-4.1/mysql.sock --user=<username> --log-error=/dbs/tpp/mysql-4.1/logs/ping.err --log=/dbs/tpp/mysql-4.1/logs/ping.log --default-character-set=utf8

The problem, I'm sure, is that --default-character-set=utf8 option, but I don't know much beyond that. Google searches aren't helping much with this one. Something is out of alignment somewhere, I'm just not sure what it is.

Any help?

Thanks in advance,


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