Don't bother. This is a very expensive solution. You get nearly a Cartesian product on each JOIN. I've got a 40 row test table with 20 values in each of 2 groups. The top 3 version of this examines 2302 rows to produce the 3 values for each of the 2 groups. The top 10 version has been running for several minutes...


Rick Robinson wrote:

Hi Roger-
Thanks for responding so quickly.

Hmm.  I like it.  It would get a bit hairy if I wanted top 50 or top 100.  And
if I wanted the top # to be dynamic, I'll need to construct the query on the
fly...but that may be very workable.  I need to play with it a bit to see how it
will perform.  I have a table with about 500,000 rows (not really too big), so
I'm hopeful.

Thanks again. Best regards,

-----Original Message-----
From: Roger Baklund [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Friday, December 03, 2004 10:49 AM
To: Mysql
Subject: Re: Use of limit with IN on subquery

Rick Robinson wrote:

I'm using MySQL 4.1.7, trying to do a subquery that's apparently unsupported - I'm hoping someone can provide a quick alternative for me.

I have a simple table Z with 3 columns, k1, k2, and total_amt, where k1 and k2 make up the primary key. I want to create a report that lists the the top 10 total_amt for each k1.

Hm... "top 10"... group-wise maximum is maybe not the best approach. Maybe a self-join is better in this case. A small experiment:

use test;
create table tt2 (
   k1 char(1) not null,
   k2 int not null,
   total_amt int,
   primary key(k1,k2));
insert into tt2 values('a',1,412),('a',2,142),('a',3,123),('a',4,312);
insert into tt2 values('b',1,441),('b',2,251),('b',3,421),('b',4,331);
select * from tt2;

| k1 | k2 | total_amt |
| a  |  1 |       412 |
| a  |  2 |       142 |
| a  |  3 |       123 |
| a  |  4 |       312 |
| b  |  1 |       441 |
| b  |  2 |       251 |
| b  |  3 |       421 |
| b  |  4 |       331 |
8 rows in set (0.02 sec)

select t1.k1, max(t1.total_amt) first, max(t2.total_amt) second, max(t3.total_amt) third from tt2 t1 left join tt2 t2 on t2.k1 = t1.k1 and t2.total_amt < t1.total_amt left join tt2 t3 on t3.k1 = t1.k1 and t3.total_amt < t2.total_amt group by t1.k1;

| k1 | first | second | third |
| a  |   412 |    312 |   142 |
| b  |   441 |    421 |   331 |
2 rows in set (0.05 sec)


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