Donny Simonton wrote:

It was probably attempting to do a reverse and nothing exists, so it just
has to timeout.

Reverse DNS is evil... :)

You can disable DNS hostname lookups by starting |mysqld| with the |--skip-name-resolve| option. However, in this case, you can use only IP numbers in the MySQL grant tables.

If you have a very slow DNS and many hosts, you can get more performance by either disabling DNS lookups with |--skip-name-resolve| or by increasing the |HOST_CACHE_SIZE| define (default value: 128) and recompiling |mysqld|.

Another issue... why was this even having a problem?

Are you not running JDBC connection pooling?  This should have only happened 
once and then moved on since the connection is open.

I don't think MySQL is doing this per query.



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