
A couple days ago my SQL server started hogging the entire CPU for no reason 
that I can find. I'm running MySQL 4.0.20 on Slackware 9.1 (i think), kernel 
version 2.4.22. The process using up all the CPU is the parent process, ie 
the top level mysql process that starts all the others. 

The server is both a master and slave for replication but all is up to date in 
that regard, so I don't think this is a replication related issue. Details 
from top are as follows:

 10:01:24  up 2 days, 18:46,  1 user,  load average: 7.20, 7.39, 7.27
101 processes: 92 sleeping, 9 running, 0 zombie, 0 stopped
CPU0 states:  92.0% user   7.4% system    0.0% nice   0.0% iowait   0.0% idle
CPU1 states:  93.3% user   6.0% system    0.0% nice   0.0% iowait   0.1% idle
Mem:  1025220k av, 1014276k used,   10944k free,       0k shrd,   36268k buff
       698604k active,             257652k inactive
Swap: 2097136k av,    8088k used, 2089048k free                  869940k 

 4654 mysql      9   0 56488  48M  3136 S    99.9  4.8  1842m   0 mysqld
13007 deanders  18   0  1076 1076   816 R     1.9  0.1   0:00   0 top
    9 root       9   0     0    0     0 SW    0.1  0.0   5:57   0 kjournald

etc etc etc. As you can see the process isn't even using a significant amount 
of memory, just a lot of CPU. Restarting the MySQL process fixes it for a few 
minutes but then it jumps back to 100% cpu again. Has anyone out there ever 
seen a problem like this in the past, or could anyone shine some light on 
what might be causing it?


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