Using version 3.23.36 on Win98 I see a problem with the new tool.  
On the databases tab I can view the databases and their tables in a tree view.
If, in the right hand pane, I select my table, and wish to view its fields, I expect 
to see the field names, their datatypes, and other field-related information in a 
7-column table-like display below called "Table Columns".  Each row of this display 
corresponds to a field in the table.  Those 7 columns are not resizable, but the main 
problem is that only six columns of information about each field are pulled from my 
table, therefore the field name of my second field falls into the wrong column in the 
"Table Columns" display (which incidentally is mis-spelled "previleges". Should be 
priveleges).  Oops!
        - pablo alonso, ventura, ca.

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