Hi there,

Is there any common strategy (of using indexes)
to avoid filesorts while sorting searches by a field ?

Eg. I want fulltext search, then sort results by
some other table field.

For example .:
create table article (
     id int not null primary key auto_increment,

     sort1 int not null,
     sort2 int not null,

     description text not null,

     FULLTEXT description (description)

explain select id from article where match (description) against ('cccc'in boolean mode) order by sort1;
mysql> mysql> explain select id from article where match (description) against ('cccc' in boolean mode) order by sort1;
| id | select_type | table | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | Extra |
| 1 | SIMPLE | article | fulltext | description | description | 0 | | 1 | Using where; Using filesort |

It doesn't matter whether I have index on sort1, filesort is always used. Furthermore, I've noted that adding an index slows the query down with each index added (suppose becuase of table index becomes bigger).

I come to a solution where I create a separate table (exact copy) with only
fulltext indexes, then query it with order by LEFT JOIN with original table,
SELECT article.id, article.description FROM search
   LEFT join article
      ON search.id = article.id
   MATCH (description) AGAINST ('some' IN BOOLEAN MODE)
ORDER BY search.sort1
LIMIT 0, 50;

Also, I intensively use table article for listing (w/o search)
items sorted by sort1 or sort2 fields, so in article table
indexes for sort1 and sort2 are absolutely necessary.

So currently I see only 2 solutions
1. add to the article table ndescription
field (with stemmed description), and fulltext index on it

2. create a separate table for this purpose.

I hope there is a 3rd variant, a good idea on how to
avoid filesort

Sincerely, Aleksandr

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