I have some questions about some instructions for
recreating tables I'm trying to follow:

1. This first table is the simplest. The only thing I
don't understand is "serial." I created char and date
columns easily enough, but I don't see "serial" listed
in phpMyAdmin.

create table "itis".kingdoms 
    kingdom_id serial not null ,
    kingdom_name char(10) not null ,
    update_date date not null 

2. In the table below, why do they designate two
numerals for the second field, when it's varchar? How
do you enter 80,5 without getting an error?

create table "itis".vernaculars 
    tsn integer not null ,
    vernacular_name varchar(80,5) not null ,
    language varchar(15) not null ,
    approved_ind char(1),
    update_date date not null ,
    vern_id serial not null ,
    unique (tsn,vernacular_name,language)  constraint
    primary key (vern_id)  constraint "itis".vern_key
revoke all on "itis".vernaculars from "public";

3. I think I've figured out that the unique key above
refers to three combined fields - tsn, vernacular_name
and language. So how do I create a unique triple-field

4. Constraint refers to a foreign key, right? If so,
then I ought to be able to leave this blank for now
and add it later, right?

5. In the example below, what do "row size" and "index
size" mean? How do I designate them?

{ TABLE "itis".change_operations row size = 12 number
of columns = 3 index size = 42

Finally, am I correct that the text below is designed
to automatically create all my tables? I haven't been
able to make it work yet, but that's my


* * * * * * * * * *

{ DATABASE itis  delimiter | }

grant dba to "itis";
grant dba to "informix";
grant dba to "public";
grant dba to "root";
grant connect to "http";

{ TABLE "itis".change_comments row size = 263 number
of columns = 4 index size = 
              30 }
{ unload file name = chang00100.unl number of rows = 0

create table "itis".change_comments 
    change_track_id integer not null ,
    chg_cmt_id serial not null ,
    change_detail varchar(250,1) not null ,
    update_date date not null 
revoke all on "itis".change_comments from "public";

{ TABLE "itis".change_operations row size = 12 number
of columns = 3 index size = 
              42 }
{ unload file name = chang00101.unl number of rows = 0

create table "itis".change_operations 
    change_track_id integer not null ,
    chg_op_id integer not null ,
    update_date date not null 
revoke all on "itis".change_operations from "public";

{ TABLE "itis".chg_operation_lkp row size = 34 number
of columns = 3 index size = 
              12 }
{ unload file name = chg_o00102.unl number of rows = 0

create table "itis".chg_operation_lkp 
    chg_op_id serial not null ,
    change_operation varchar(25,5) not null ,
    update_date date not null 
revoke all on "itis".chg_operation_lkp from "public";

{ TABLE "itis".change_tracks row size = 367 number of
columns = 9 index size = 12 
{ unload file name = chang00103.unl number of rows = 0

create table "itis".change_tracks 
    change_track_id serial not null ,
    old_tsn integer,
    change_reason varchar(40,18) not null ,
    change_initiator varchar(100,1) not null ,
    change_reviewer varchar(100,1) not null ,
    change_certifier varchar(100,1) not null ,
    change_time_stamp datetime year to minute not null
    tsn integer not null ,
    update_date date not null 
revoke all on "itis".change_tracks from "public";

{ TABLE "itis".kingdoms row size = 18 number of
columns = 3 index size = 12 }
{ unload file name = kingd00104.unl number of rows = 6

create table "itis".kingdoms 
    kingdom_id serial not null ,
    kingdom_name char(10) not null ,
    update_date date not null 
revoke all on "itis".kingdoms from "public";

{ TABLE "itis".taxon_unit_types row size = 29 number
of columns = 6 index size = 
              15 }
{ unload file name = taxon00105.unl number of rows =
136 }

create table "itis".taxon_unit_types 
    kingdom_id integer not null ,
    rank_id smallint not null ,
    rank_name char(15) not null ,
    dir_parent_rank_id smallint not null ,
    req_parent_rank_id smallint not null ,
    update_date date not null 
revoke all on "itis".taxon_unit_types from "public";

{ TABLE "itis".geographic_div row size = 54 number of
columns = 3 index size = 93 
{ unload file name = geogr00106.unl number of rows =
93244 }

create table "itis".geographic_div 
    tsn integer not null ,
    geographic_value varchar(45,6) not null ,
    update_date date not null 
revoke all on "itis".geographic_div from "public";

{ TABLE "itis".jurisdiction row size = 59 number of
columns = 4 index size = 70 }
{ unload file name = juris00107.unl number of rows =
44398 }

create table "itis".jurisdiction 
    tsn integer not null ,
    jurisdiction_value varchar(30,6) not null ,
    origin varchar(19,6) not null ,
    update_date date not null 
revoke all on "itis".jurisdiction from "public";

{ TABLE "itis".nodc_ids row size = 20 number of
columns = 3 index size = 42 }
{ unload file name = nodc_00108.unl number of rows =
209565 }

create table "itis".nodc_ids 
    nodc_id char(12) not null ,
    update_date date not null ,
    tsn integer not null ,
    primary key (nodc_id,tsn)  constraint
revoke all on "itis".nodc_ids from "public";

{ TABLE "itis".taxon_authors_lkp row size = 111 number
of columns = 4 index size 
              = 15 }
{ unload file name = taxon00109.unl number of rows =
87165 }

create table "itis".taxon_authors_lkp 
    taxon_author_id serial not null ,
    taxon_author varchar(100,30) not null ,
    update_date date not null ,
    kingdom_id smallint not null 
revoke all on "itis".taxon_authors_lkp from "public";

{ TABLE "itis".synonym_links row size = 12 number of
columns = 3 index size = 30 
{ unload file name = synon00110.unl number of rows =
82615 }

create table "itis".synonym_links 
    tsn integer not null ,
    tsn_accepted integer not null ,
    update_date date not null 
revoke all on "itis".synonym_links from "public";

{ TABLE "itis".reference_links row size = 102 number
of columns = 8 index size = 
              46 }
{ unload file name = refer00111.unl number of rows =
701559 }

create table "itis".reference_links 
    tsn integer not null ,
    doc_id_prefix char(3) not null ,
    documentation_id integer not null ,
    original_desc_ind char(1),
    init_itis_desc_ind char(1),
    change_track_id integer,
    vernacular_name varchar(80,5),
    update_date date not null 
revoke all on "itis".reference_links from "public";

{ TABLE "itis".experts row size = 368 number of
columns = 5 index size = 16 }
{ unload file name = exper00112.unl number of rows =
89 }

create table "itis".experts 
    expert_id_prefix char(3) not null ,
    expert_id serial not null ,
    expert varchar(100,1) not null ,
    exp_comment varchar(255),
    update_date date not null 
revoke all on "itis".experts from "public";

{ TABLE "itis".other_sources row size = 356 number of
columns = 8 index size = 16 
{ unload file name = other00113.unl number of rows =
161 }

create table "itis".other_sources 
    source_id_prefix char(3) not null ,
    source_id serial not null ,
    source_type char(10) not null ,
    source varchar(64,4) not null ,
    version char(10) not null ,
    acquisition_date date not null ,
    source_comment varchar(255),
    update_date date not null 
revoke all on "itis".other_sources from "public";

{ TABLE "itis".publications row size = 1060 number of
columns = 14 index size = 16 
{ unload file name = publi00114.unl number of rows =
1917 }

create table "itis".publications 
    pub_id_prefix char(3) not null ,
    publication_id serial not null ,
    reference_author varchar(100,1) not null ,
    title varchar(255,10),
    publication_name varchar(255,1) not null ,
    listed_pub_date date,
    actual_pub_date date not null ,
    publisher varchar(80,10),
    pub_place varchar(40,10),
    isbn varchar(16),
    issn varchar(16),
    pages varchar(15),
    pub_comment varchar(255),
    update_date date not null 
revoke all on "itis".publications from "public";

{ TABLE "itis".reviews row size = 399 number of
columns = 7 index size = 30 }
{ unload file name = revie00115.unl number of rows = 0

create table "itis".reviews 
    tsn integer not null ,
    review_start_date date not null ,
    review_end_date date,
    review_reason varchar(25,8) not null ,
    reviewer varchar(100,25) not null ,
    review_comment varchar(255),
    update_date date not null 
revoke all on "itis".reviews from "public";

{ TABLE "itis".tu_comments_links row size = 12 number
of columns = 3 index size = 
              42 }
{ unload file name = tu_co00116.unl number of rows =
53110 }

create table "itis".tu_comments_links 
    tsn integer not null ,
    comment_id integer not null ,
    update_date date not null 
revoke all on "itis".tu_comments_links from "public";

{ TABLE "itis".comments row size = 2117 number of
columns = 5 index size = 12 }
{ unload file name = comme00117.unl number of rows =
12059 }

create table "itis".comments 
    comment_id serial not null ,
    commentator varchar(100),
    comment_detail char(2000) not null ,
    comment_time_stamp datetime year to second not
null ,
    update_date date not null 
revoke all on "itis".comments from "public";

{ TABLE "itis".taxonomic_units row size = 321 number
of columns = 24 index size = 
              106 }
{ unload file name = taxon00118.unl number of rows =
366065 }

create table "itis".taxonomic_units 
    tsn serial not null ,
    unit_ind1 char(1),
    unit_name1 char(35) not null constraint
    unit_ind2 char(1),
    unit_name2 varchar(35),
    unit_ind3 varchar(7),
    unit_name3 varchar(35),
    unit_ind4 varchar(7),
    unit_name4 varchar(35),
    unnamed_taxon_ind char(1),
    usage varchar(12,5) not null constraint
    unaccept_reason varchar(50,9),
    credibility_rtng varchar(40,17) not null
constraint "itis".nsue_55,
    completeness_rtng char(10),
    currency_rating char(7),
    phylo_sort_seq smallint,
    initial_time_stamp datetime year to second not
null constraint "itis".nsue_56,
    parent_tsn integer,
    taxon_author_id integer,
    hybrid_author_id integer,
    kingdom_id smallint not null constraint
    rank_id smallint not null constraint
    update_date date not null constraint
    uncertain_prnt_ind char(3)
revoke all on "itis".taxonomic_units from "public";

{ TABLE "itis".vernaculars row size = 110 number of
columns = 6 index size = 169 
{ unload file name = verna00119.unl number of rows =
92981 }

create table "itis".vernaculars 
    tsn integer not null ,
    vernacular_name varchar(80,5) not null ,
    language varchar(15) not null ,
    approved_ind char(1),
    update_date date not null ,
    vern_id serial not null ,
    unique (tsn,vernacular_name,language)  constraint
    primary key (vern_id)  constraint "itis".vern_key
revoke all on "itis".vernaculars from "public";

{ TABLE "itis".vern_ref_links row size = 19 number of
columns = 5 index size = 28 
{ unload file name = vern_00120.unl number of rows =
18967 }

create table "itis".vern_ref_links 
    tsn integer not null ,
    doc_id_prefix char(3) not null ,
    documentation_id integer not null ,
    update_date date not null ,
    vern_id integer not null ,
    primary key
constraint "itis".vern_rf_lnks_key
revoke all on "itis".vern_ref_links from "public";

grant select on "itis".change_comments to "public" as
grant update on "itis".change_comments to "public" as
grant insert on "itis".change_comments to "public" as
grant delete on "itis".change_comments to "public" as
grant index on "itis".change_comments to "public" as
grant select on "itis".change_operations to "public"
as "itis";
grant update on "itis".change_operations to "public"
as "itis";
grant insert on "itis".change_operations to "public"
as "itis";
grant delete on "itis".change_operations to "public"
as "itis";
grant index on "itis".change_operations to "public" as
grant select on "itis".chg_operation_lkp to "public"
as "itis";
grant update on "itis".chg_operation_lkp to "public"
as "itis";
grant insert on "itis".chg_operation_lkp to "public"
as "itis";
grant delete on "itis".chg_operation_lkp to "public"
as "itis";
grant index on "itis".chg_operation_lkp to "public" as
grant select on "itis".change_tracks to "public" as
grant update on "itis".change_tracks to "public" as
grant insert on "itis".change_tracks to "public" as
grant delete on "itis".change_tracks to "public" as
grant index on "itis".change_tracks to "public" as
grant select on "itis".kingdoms to "public" as "itis";
grant update on "itis".kingdoms to "public" as "itis";
grant insert on "itis".kingdoms to "public" as "itis";
grant delete on "itis".kingdoms to "public" as "itis";
grant index on "itis".kingdoms to "public" as "itis";
grant select on "itis".taxon_unit_types to "public" as
grant update on "itis".taxon_unit_types to "public" as
grant insert on "itis".taxon_unit_types to "public" as
grant delete on "itis".taxon_unit_types to "public" as
grant index on "itis".taxon_unit_types to "public" as
grant select on "itis".geographic_div to "public" as
grant update on "itis".geographic_div to "public" as
grant insert on "itis".geographic_div to "public" as
grant delete on "itis".geographic_div to "public" as
grant index on "itis".geographic_div to "public" as
grant select on "itis".jurisdiction to "public" as
grant update on "itis".jurisdiction to "public" as
grant insert on "itis".jurisdiction to "public" as
grant delete on "itis".jurisdiction to "public" as
grant index on "itis".jurisdiction to "public" as
grant select on "itis".nodc_ids to "public" as "itis";
grant update on "itis".nodc_ids to "public" as "itis";
grant insert on "itis".nodc_ids to "public" as "itis";
grant delete on "itis".nodc_ids to "public" as "itis";
grant index on "itis".nodc_ids to "public" as "itis";
grant select on "itis".taxon_authors_lkp to "public"
as "itis";
grant update on "itis".taxon_authors_lkp to "public"
as "itis";
grant insert on "itis".taxon_authors_lkp to "public"
as "itis";
grant delete on "itis".taxon_authors_lkp to "public"
as "itis";
grant index on "itis".taxon_authors_lkp to "public" as
grant select on "itis".synonym_links to "public" as
grant update on "itis".synonym_links to "public" as
grant insert on "itis".synonym_links to "public" as
grant delete on "itis".synonym_links to "public" as
grant index on "itis".synonym_links to "public" as
grant select on "itis".reference_links to "public" as
grant update on "itis".reference_links to "public" as
grant insert on "itis".reference_links to "public" as
grant delete on "itis".reference_links to "public" as
grant index on "itis".reference_links to "public" as
grant select on "itis".experts to "public" as "itis";
grant update on "itis".experts to "public" as "itis";
grant insert on "itis".experts to "public" as "itis";
grant delete on "itis".experts to "public" as "itis";
grant index on "itis".experts to "public" as "itis";
grant select on "itis".other_sources to "public" as
grant update on "itis".other_sources to "public" as
grant insert on "itis".other_sources to "public" as
grant delete on "itis".other_sources to "public" as
grant index on "itis".other_sources to "public" as
grant select on "itis".publications to "public" as
grant update on "itis".publications to "public" as
grant insert on "itis".publications to "public" as
grant delete on "itis".publications to "public" as
grant index on "itis".publications to "public" as
grant select on "itis".reviews to "public" as "itis";
grant update on "itis".reviews to "public" as "itis";
grant insert on "itis".reviews to "public" as "itis";
grant delete on "itis".reviews to "public" as "itis";
grant index on "itis".reviews to "public" as "itis";
grant select on "itis".tu_comments_links to "public"
as "itis";
grant update on "itis".tu_comments_links to "public"
as "itis";
grant insert on "itis".tu_comments_links to "public"
as "itis";
grant delete on "itis".tu_comments_links to "public"
as "itis";
grant index on "itis".tu_comments_links to "public" as
grant select on "itis".comments to "public" as "itis";
grant update on "itis".comments to "public" as "itis";
grant insert on "itis".comments to "public" as "itis";
grant delete on "itis".comments to "public" as "itis";
grant index on "itis".comments to "public" as "itis";
grant select on "itis".taxonomic_units to "public" as
grant update on "itis".taxonomic_units to "public" as
grant insert on "itis".taxonomic_units to "public" as
grant delete on "itis".taxonomic_units to "public" as
grant index on "itis".taxonomic_units to "public" as
grant select on "itis".vernaculars to "public" as
grant update on "itis".vernaculars to "public" as
grant insert on "itis".vernaculars to "public" as
grant delete on "itis".vernaculars to "public" as
grant index on "itis".vernaculars to "public" as
grant select on "itis".vern_ref_links to "public" as
grant update on "itis".vern_ref_links to "public" as
grant insert on "itis".vern_ref_links to "public" as
grant delete on "itis".vern_ref_links to "public" as
grant index on "itis".vern_ref_links to "public" as

create unique index "itis".change_comments_ky on
    (change_track_id,chg_cmt_id) using btree ;
alter table "itis".change_comments add constraint
primary key 
    (change_track_id,chg_cmt_id) constraint
"itis".u111_1  ;
create unique index "itis".chg_operations_key on
    (change_track_id,chg_op_id) using btree ;
alter table "itis".change_operations add constraint
primary key 
    (change_track_id,chg_op_id) constraint
"itis".u112_2  ;
create unique index "itis".chg_oper_lkp_ky on
    (chg_op_id) using btree ;
alter table "itis".chg_operation_lkp add constraint
primary key 
    (chg_op_id) constraint "itis".u113_3  ;
create unique index "itis".change_tracks_key on
    (change_track_id) using btree ;
alter table "itis".change_tracks add constraint
primary key (change_track_id) 
    constraint "itis".u114_4  ;
create unique index "itis".kingdoms_key on
"itis".kingdoms (kingdom_id) 
    using btree ;
alter table "itis".kingdoms add constraint primary key
    constraint "itis".u119_9  ;
create unique index "itis".taxon_unit_type_ky on
    (kingdom_id,rank_id) using btree ;
alter table "itis".taxon_unit_types add constraint
primary key 
    (kingdom_id,rank_id) constraint "itis".u571_81  ;
create unique index "itis".geographic_div_key on
    (tsn,geographic_value) using btree ;
alter table "itis".geographic_div add constraint
primary key 
    (tsn,geographic_value) constraint "itis".u831_143 
create unique index "itis".jurisdiction_key on
    (tsn,jurisdiction_value) using btree ;
alter table "itis".jurisdiction add constraint primary
key (tsn,
    jurisdiction_value) constraint "itis".u832_144  ;
create index "itis".nodc_ids1 on "itis".nodc_ids (tsn)
using btree 
create unique index "itis".txn_authors_lkp_ky on
    (taxon_author_id,kingdom_id) using btree ;
alter table "itis".taxon_authors_lkp add constraint
primary key 
    (taxon_author_id,kingdom_id) constraint
"itis".u839_151  ;
create index "itis".synonym_links1 on
"itis".synonym_links (tsn_accepted) 
    using btree ;
create unique index "itis".synonym_links_key on
    (tsn,tsn_accepted) using btree ;
alter table "itis".synonym_links add constraint
primary key (tsn,
    tsn_accepted) constraint "itis".u843_165  ;
create unique index "itis".reference_links_ky on
    (tsn,doc_id_prefix,documentation_id) using btree ;
alter table "itis".reference_links add constraint
primary key 
    (tsn,doc_id_prefix,documentation_id) constraint
create unique index "itis".experts_key on
"itis".experts (expert_id_prefix,
    expert_id) using btree ;
alter table "itis".experts add constraint primary key
    expert_id) constraint "itis".u859_192  ;
create unique index "itis".other_sources_key on
    (source_id_prefix,source_id) using btree ;
alter table "itis".other_sources add constraint
primary key (source_id_prefix,
    source_id) constraint "itis".u860_193  ;
create unique index "itis".publications_key on
    (pub_id_prefix,publication_id) using btree ;
alter table "itis".publications add constraint primary
key (pub_id_prefix,
    publication_id) constraint "itis".u861_194  ;
create unique index "itis".reviews_key on
"itis".reviews (tsn,
    review_start_date) using btree ;
alter table "itis".reviews add constraint primary key
    constraint "itis".u862_195  ;
create unique index "itis".tu_comments_lnk_ky on
    (tsn,comment_id) using btree ;
alter table "itis".tu_comments_links add constraint
primary key 
    (tsn,comment_id) constraint "itis".u864_198  ;
create unique index "itis".comments_key on
"itis".comments (comment_id) 
    using btree ;
alter table "itis".comments add constraint primary key
    constraint "itis".u863_197  ;
create index "itis".taxon_unit1 on
"itis".taxonomic_units (parent_tsn) 
    using btree ;
create index "itis".taxon_unit2 on
"itis".taxonomic_units (unit_name1) 
    using btree ;
create index "itis".taxon_unit3 on
"itis".taxonomic_units (kingdom_id,
    rank_id) using btree ;
create index "itis".taxon_unit4 on
"itis".taxonomic_units (taxon_author_id) 
    using btree ;
create unique index "itis".taxonomic_units_ky on
    (tsn) using btree ;
alter table "itis".taxonomic_units add constraint
primary key 
    (tsn) constraint "itis".tu_const1  ;

alter table "itis".change_comments add constraint
(foreign key 
    (change_track_id) references "itis".change_tracks 

alter table "itis".change_operations add constraint
    key (chg_op_id) references
"itis".chg_operation_lkp  constraint 

alter table "itis".change_operations add constraint
    key (change_track_id) references
"itis".change_tracks  constraint 

alter table "itis".geographic_div add constraint
(foreign key 
    (tsn) references "itis".taxonomic_units 
constraint "itis".are_located_within);

alter table "itis".jurisdiction add constraint
(foreign key (tsn) 
    references "itis".taxonomic_units  constraint

alter table "itis".synonym_links add constraint
(foreign key 
    (tsn_accepted) references "itis".taxonomic_units 

alter table "itis".reference_links add constraint
(foreign key 
    (change_track_id) references "itis".change_tracks 

alter table "itis".reference_links add constraint
(foreign key 
    (tsn) references "itis".taxonomic_units 
constraint "itis".are_documented_by3);

alter table "itis".reviews add constraint (foreign key
    references "itis".taxonomic_units  constraint

alter table "itis".tu_comments_links add constraint
    key (comment_id) references "itis".comments 
constraint "itis"

alter table "itis".tu_comments_links add constraint
    key (tsn) references "itis".taxonomic_units 
constraint "itis"

update statistics medium for table comments (
     comment_detail, comment_id, comment_time_stamp,
commentator, update_date) 
     resolution   2.50000   0.95000 ;
update statistics medium for table experts (
     exp_comment, expert, expert_id, expert_id_prefix,
     resolution   2.50000   0.95000 ;
update statistics medium for table geographic_div (
     geographic_value, tsn, update_date) 
     resolution   2.50000   0.95000 ;
update statistics medium for table jurisdiction (
     jurisdiction_value, origin, tsn, update_date) 
     resolution   2.50000   0.95000 ;
update statistics medium for table kingdoms (
     kingdom_id, kingdom_name, update_date) 
     resolution   2.50000   0.95000 ;
update statistics medium for table nodc_ids (
     nodc_id, tsn, update_date) 
     resolution   2.50000   0.95000 ;
update statistics medium for table other_sources (
     acquisition_date, source, source_comment,
source_id, source_id_prefix, 
     source_type, update_date, version) 
     resolution   2.50000   0.95000 ;
update statistics medium for table publications (
     actual_pub_date, isbn, issn, listed_pub_date,
     pub_comment, pub_id_prefix, pub_place,
publication_id, publication_name, 
     publisher, reference_author, title, update_date) 
     resolution   2.50000   0.95000 ;
update statistics medium for table reference_links (
     change_track_id, doc_id_prefix, documentation_id,
init_itis_desc_ind, original_desc_ind, 
     tsn, update_date, vernacular_name) 
     resolution   2.50000   0.95000 ;
update statistics medium for table synonym_links (
     tsn, tsn_accepted, update_date) 
     resolution   2.50000   0.95000 ;
update statistics medium for table taxon_authors_lkp (
     kingdom_id, taxon_author, taxon_author_id,
     resolution   2.50000   0.95000 ;
update statistics medium for table taxon_unit_types (
     dir_parent_rank_id, kingdom_id, rank_id,
rank_name, req_parent_rank_id, 
     resolution   2.50000   0.95000 ;
update statistics medium for table taxonomic_units (
     completeness_rtng, credibility_rtng,
currency_rating, hybrid_author_id, initial_time_stamp,

     kingdom_id, parent_tsn, phylo_sort_seq, rank_id,
     tsn, unaccept_reason, uncertain_prnt_ind,
unit_ind1, unit_ind2, 
     unit_ind3, unit_ind4, unit_name1, unit_name2,
     unit_name4, unnamed_taxon_ind, update_date,
     resolution   2.50000   0.95000 ;
update statistics medium for table tu_comments_links (
     comment_id, tsn, update_date) 
     resolution   2.50000   0.95000 ;
update statistics medium for table vern_ref_links (
     doc_id_prefix, documentation_id, tsn,
update_date, vern_id) 
     resolution   2.50000   0.95000 ;
update statistics medium for table vernaculars (
     approved_ind, language, tsn, update_date,
     resolution   2.50000   0.95000 ;

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