Hi there!

I have some problems with the complex MySQL join operations. In most cases, LEFT JOIN fulfills my needs but sometimes it doesn't work in the expected way. I'll give an example:

- orderid
- customerid

- id
- customername

- itemid
- orderid
- productid
- quantity

- shippingid
- orderid
- productid
- shippedqty

Now I try to find out a list of orders, giving also the quantity of shipped and unshipped products in the list.

SELECT o.*,c.customername, SUM(oi.quantity) orderedTotal, SUM(si.shippedqty) shippedTotal
FROM orders o
LEFT JOIN customers c ON (c.id = o.customerid)
LEFT JOIN orderitems oi ON (oi.orderid = o.orderid)
LEFT JOIN shippeditems si ON (si.orderid = o.orderid)
GROUP BY o.orderid ORDER BY o.orderid;

This query returns all other information correct but the SUM functions return too large numbers.

Why I'm not able to user "normal" JOIN, is that I need also order information in that case that no items are shipped.

Thanks for your tips!


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