Thanks Jose ...

but I still get the Bus Error message with the following code...

int main(char **args) {
    MYSQL_RES *result;
    MYSQL_ROW row;
    MYSQL *connection, mysql;
    int state;
    int PORTNUM = 3306;

    connection = mysql_real_connect(&mysql, "localhost", "root",
"0sg0sb4Ig", "oui", PORTNUM, NULL,  0);
    if( connection == NULL ) {
        return 1;
    } else {
        printf("%s\n","Everything Cool with the connection");
    state = mysql_query(connection, "SELECT sysName from inv_device");
    result = mysql_store_result(connection);
    if (result) {
        printf( "Return set: columns=%d, rows=%d \n",
    } else {
        printf("%s\n", mysql_error(connection));
        return 1;



On Tue, 2005-01-11 at 14:57 +0100, Jose Miguel Pérez wrote:
> Hi Andy,
> >     state = mysql_query(connection, "SELECT * from mytable");
>                                ******* ^^^^^^
> >     if( state ) {
> >         printf(mysql_error(connection));
> >         return 1;
> >     } else {
> >         printf("Everything Cool with the query\n");
> >     }
>       // New code, retrieve resultset. --------
>       result = mysql_store_result(connection);
>       if (result) {
>           printf( "Return set: columns=%d, rows=%d \n",
>                   mysql_field_count(connection),
>                   mysql_num_rows(result));
>           mysql_free_result(__result);
>       } else {
>           printf("%s\n", mysql_error(connection));
>           return 1;
>       }
>       // New code -----------------------------
> >     mysql_close(connection);
> >     printf("Done.\n");
>     After doing a SELECT statement you should issue a "mysql_store_result" /
> "mysql_use_result" operation to flush the resultset returned (even an empty
> resultset). In fact, you should flush the resultset stream with every SQL
> statement that returns data like SELECT, SHOW, DESCRIBE, and the like. See
> the manual page on "mysql_store_result" for more information. Once in there,
> you can follow the directions about section " mysql_field_count()"
> about using "mysql_field_count" to check in you need to flush the resultset.
> Do not forget to call "mysql_free_result" to free the memory allocated for
> the returned resultset.
>     Hope this helps, maybe mysql_close(...) got confused by pending data
> from the server.
>     One note though, you should NEVER use 'printf(whatever);' use
> 'printf("%s", whatever);' instead.
>     If it happends to be some "%" inside "whatever" you will get coredumps.
> For instance, see what happends when in your program,
> mysql_error(connection) returns "Please use %d to display integers." (Not a
> real MySQL error, obviously!! :-)
>     Cheers,
>     Jose Miguel.
perl -e "print qq^bIG VeRN ! ^^qq^#'#Yv#=<D+ ^"

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