Thanks for helping!

> So you ARE having problems trying to change your sbj_count and
> hsp_count columns after adding information to your table your so that
> data is re-ranked according to some rule(s) you have. Exactly, how do
> you determine the new ranking?  I could make a guess based on your
> data but I would probably be wrong.
> Walk me through this process, please. I give you these data points:
> (sbjname, score): (a,500), (a,900), (b,800), (c,500), (c,600),
> (c,700), (d,400), (d,1000), (e,500), (e,900), (f,700), (g,600)
> Could you please explain to me how to generate(create) the sbj_count
> and hsp_count values for each row? As I said, I can probably guess but
> I want the "official" method from you. I can help you write the SQL to
> do it but I need to know what you need to do.

Both the old and new ranking are based on score values. The highest
score get the lowest sbj_count, but sbj_names must be ordered next to
each other (a a b b c c etc) with ascending hsp_count values. Thus,
(sbj_count,sbjname, score,hsp_count)

Hope that helps...


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