I'm running a query that pulls information from about six different tables in a DB. I'd like to be able to do a fulltext search on fields in several different tables. The end result should be that any row with a fulltext match in any of the fields in any table gets returned. I've tried a syntax that looks like this:

WHERE MATCH (table1.field1,table2.field2 table2.field3)
AGAINST ('some,nifty,words')

but I get back an error message that says:

ERROR 1210: Wrong arguments to MATCH

If all the ffields are from one table, then I get an error that says:

ERROR 1191: Can't find FULLTEXT index matching the column list

Is it possible to do a fulltext search on multiple fields in a quesry that references more than one table? What would be the correct syntax for such a query? Am I limited to doing this via a UNION-type query?

Thanks for any information that you can give me, and sorry if it seems a trivial question, I can't seem to find an answer in the documentation

Cris Ewing
CME and Telehealth Web Services
University of Washington
School of Medicine
Work Phone: (206) 685-9116
Home Phone: (206) 365-3413

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