I accidently deleted a number of data records (83 records) from a table
using  'delete' SQL command. I want to recover the deleted data. I
checked the table with  'myisamchk'. the result is as follows.


myisamchk seitext.MYI

Checking MyISAM file: seitext.MYI

Data records:       7   Deleted blocks:      86

myisamchk: warning: 2 clients is using or hasn't closed the table

- check file-size

- check record delete-chain

- check key delete-chain

- check index reference

- check data record references index: 1

- check record links


MyISAM-table 'seitext.MYI' is usable but should be fixed


Is it possible to recover the deleted data ? How?

My mySQL is running on Redhat Linux and version 4.01.



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