Thanks for your help Gabriel.

I will use the latin1 with case sensitive.


On 1/31/05 7:32 AM, "Gabriel PREDA" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I think you should use: latin1_general_ci  and on columns with spanish you
> should use latin1_spanish_ci.
> English, French, Portuguese not having a separate collation I believe that
> they are included into latin1_general_ci ?
> Please observe the last part from a collation name: case sensitive (_cs) ...
> case insensitive (_ci) ... and binary (_bin) !
> UTF8 consumes more space on disk !
> If you issue a SHOW CHARACTER SET command
> You will notice the last column named Maxlen that defines how many bytes
> takes to store a letter.
> On utf8_general_ci you will notice 3... as on latin1_XXXX_xx you will only
> see 1...
> Although these values represent a MAX value... what you need will use at
> most 2 bytes per letter in UTF-8... but in latin1_xxx_xx will, for sure,
> will use one byte... on long texts this will count !
> In my opinion you should stick to latin1_xxx_xx !
> Afther some thought and aditional computation I declared myself satisfied
> with:
>         latin2 - ISO 8859-2 Central European - latin2_general_ci - 1byte
> but I'm having Romanian + English + French columns.
> Try to read with no
> distraction arround you !
> Gabriel
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Andre Matos" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: <>
> Sent: Sunday, January 30, 2005 9:29 PM
> Subject: utf8 x latin
>> Hi list,
>> I was wondering which one is better to use, "utf8_general_ci" or
>> "latin1_general_cs", with English, French, Portuguese, and Spanish?
>> Thanks.
>> Andre
>> --
>> Andre Matos
>> -- 
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Andre Matos

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