I didn't found an IF ... ELSE ... in MySQL ... and I'm using it for at least 4 years !... since the old 3.23.xx times !!!
So you will have to do: SELECT a,b,c, IF(Location=1, 'Downstairs Cat Room', IF(Location=2, 'Kitten Room', IF(Location=3, 'Quarantine', 'Unknown') ) ) as Location FROM `table_name` Syntax for IF is: IF(expr1, expr2, expr3)... that means IF expr1 == TRUE THEN expr2 ELSE expr3 As you saw in the response I gave you I used instead of expr3 another IF... and so on !!! Gabriel PREDA www.amr.ro www.lgassociations.info -- MySQL General Mailing List For list archives: http://lists.mysql.com/mysql To unsubscribe: http://lists.mysql.com/[EMAIL PROTECTED]