
I have a table full of activity records.  Each record has a DATETIME
field for when the activity started and one for when it ended.
I want to post process this table and produce billing records from it.

Billing records will have a link back to the activity record that
produces them; i.e. there could be more than one billing record for
each event.  The reason for this is that there are different billing
rates per event type and also different rates depending on the time
of day ["office hour" rates are different than early morning, evening,
night/weekend rates].

Let's say that office-hour-rates start from 8am - 4:59:59pm Monday
- Friday.  Everything else is a night/weekend rate.

It is easy to get the records where the event start/stop DATETIMES are
in the same day and are both in or out of the "office hours" range.
it is fairly easy to get the records the event start/stop DATETIMES
are in the same day and the start record is "early morning" and the
stop record is "business hours" or the start record is "business"
and the end os evening.

Let's say that I have an activity record that starts at 6am.
It continues all day until 9pm that same evening.  I would want to
prodauce three billing records:

    06:00:00 - 07:59:59
    08:00:00 - 16:59:59
    17:00:00 - 21:00:00

What if the activity flows over a day change?  More than one day

Should I just punt and return the activity DATETIMES as UNIX_TIMESTAMPs
and do the date manipulation myslef?


        Dean Karres / karres at itg dot uiuc dot edu / www.itg.uiuc.edu

                  Imaging Technology Group / Beckman Institute
                             University of Illinois
                    405 North Mathews / Urbana, IL 61801 USA

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