Looking at your my.cnf files I don't see where you've told the slave what
server to connect to. The slave needs to know what server is the master.
This is usually accomplished by including a couple of lines in my.cnf.

If the file master.info is in the data directory it will override the my.cnf
settings because it contains more information.

So you either need to add lines like:

master-host     = hostname
master-user     = username
master-password = password

to my.cnf on the slave or add an appropriately formatted and constructed
master.info file to the data directory. If the master.info file exists and
is blank or doesn't include enough information, delete it. If it's there and
looks right, include it's contents in your next mail here (you can blank out
the username/password info).

Best Regards, Bruce

Tierney Thurban <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all.  Sorry if you get this twice -- it was posted to
> mysql-replication earlier, but it doesn't look like that list is
> really used.
> I'm having a problem with my replication setup.  This is my first time
> setting up replication, so this may be a simple problem.  I'm using
> one master and one slave, both running debian-testing, and they both
> have brand new 4.1.9 mysql installs (via apt-get).
> The problem is that each time I do a START SLAVE, the I/O thread dies
> almost immediately.  I can see it running only if I do START SLAVE;
> SHOW SLAVE STATUS\G on a single line.

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