SELECT animal, pic from animal AS a, pic as p, animal_pic as ap
WHERE animal = 'penguin'
AND ap.animalid =
and ap.picid =

On Wed, 2005-02-16 at 03:32, Martin Rytz wrote:
> Hi SQL-Community
> I need once more your help, I have a tricky problem with my animal-db.
> I have a table with animals and a table with animal-pics. I have a third
> table. In this table you can see, which pic belongs to which animal:
> CREATE TABLE animal (
>   id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
>   animal varchar(250) NULL,
>   PRIMARY KEY  (id)
> );
>   id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
>   pic varchar(250) NULL,
>   PRIMARY KEY  (id)
> );
> CREATE TABLE animal_pic (
>   animalid int(11)  NULL ,
>   picid int(11) NULL
> );
> The problem is now, that there can be n pics for an animal!
> With which join can I show the animals with all pics for this animal (even
> if there are more than one pic for an animal)?
> Thank you for you ideas!
> Martin
 - michael dykman

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