
Full-text search successfully works on my 4.1.9-max instance:

mysql> select version();


| version()     |


| 4.1.9-max-log |



 `a` text,

 FULLTEXT KEY `a` (`a`)


 $cat ftopfile.txt



mysql> select * from ft;


| a                                |


| gleb manual                      |

| clear manual                     |

| cooler manual                    |

| af01e9f7ab799a2050c709ad68c3beee |

| 3aa4c2ebf3996f2754de213b527c4275 |

| 30f09732b77f417ae743a127c172a1ad |

| 30f09732b77f417ae743a127c172a1ad |

| 30f09732b77f417ae743a127c172a1ad |

| 02bb9a3b6b5c27263270116d6700ed3b |

| 02bb9a3b6b5c27263270116d6700ed3b |

| 02bb9a3b6b5c27263270116d6700ed3b |

| 02bb9a3b6b5c27263270116d6700ed3b |

| 8ca42418d6c5902249c15e24c3ca2830 |



mysql> select a from ft where match(a) against('cooler');


| a             |


| cooler manual |


mysql> select a from ft where match(a) against('manual');


| a               |


| gleb manual     |

| clear manual    |

| cooler manual   |


mysql> select a from ft where match(a) against('clear');

Empty set (0.00 sec)

( 'clear' - is in the stop file).

mysql> show variables like 'ft_stop%'\G ;

*************************** 1. row ***************************

Variable_name: ft_stopword_file


It works also with cyrillic words. My system (Fedora Core 3) uses UTF-8 locale.

Have you tried my format of the stopword file?


> Hi


> I set ft_min_len_word = 3 and ft_stopword_file =

> /etc/stopword.cnf in my.cnf file under the [mysqld]

> section


> I then restart the server and rebuild the indexes with



> The ft_min_len_word=3 seems to work: I get the

> expected results when quering for 3-letter words


> Unfortunately, that is not the same with the stopwords

> The default character set of the server is utf8. All

> data in the tables are utf8 as well. So, I thought

> that the stopword file should be in utf8 as well. If

> that is wrong please say so. Now the syntax of that

> file: I've tried one word each row, I've tried

> double-quotes around words, I've tried comma-separated

> as well as double-quotes and commas together, also

> tried space-separated. I've tried anything I could

> think of. None of those seem to work. When I query for

> one of those stopwords, I get results :(


> After each change to the stopword file, I always

> restart server, rebuild indexes etc.


> I've run out of ideas. Any help would be appreciated.

> Thx in advance, Nick





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