Inserting Other Binary data into DB (NOT IMAGES)Inserting images in no
different compared to inserting PDFs.

What is your problem? What have you tried so far?

With regards,

Martijn Tonies
Database Workbench - developer tool for InterBase, Firebird, MySQL & MS SQL
Upscene Productions

Good afternoon all,
        I have a db (gasp!) that is holding images in a BLOB field already.
I can upload and retrieve on the fly - no problems.
Now I am looking at inserting binary data such as M$Word Documents (.doc and
.rtf), XML (which I have already been exposed to on this list), and PDF
files. I have read somewhere that it can be done, however I have not been
able to make it work with MySQL.
  -- I can make it work with Acce$$ if I use the OLE Object, but that is not
my goal.
  -- I do not want to store the resulting FSO /path/to/file structure.
  -- My goal is to try to insert them into the database.
  -- MySQL 4.1.10
  -- Linux RHEL 3.2 (production)
  -- Slave on Win2k3 also running 4.1.10 (devel)
  -- MyODBC 3.51.10 on Win2k3
  -- ASP 3.0 with IIS and Apache/Sun One ASP
Any help or insight will be greatly appreciated.

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