InnoDB is a very different platform from MyISAM.

> innodb_data_file_path = ibdata1:10M:autoextend

How big is your data? You need to set your innodb_data_file_path to
have enough space for this. Right now, your file is autoextending
constantly. I would either turn on per table table space, or
pre-create your table space. My preference is to pre-create:


That will create 3 gigs of table space. If you need more than 3 gigs
of space, it will autogrow the last file. Note that restart the server
after this change will probably nuke your existing files. It'll also
probably take awhile to start as it has to create those files.

> set-variable = innodb_buffer_pool_size=192M

If the server is only for MySQL and primarily InnoDB, you should set
this way higher. On your 512MB laptop, You'd probably want to go to
384MB if it's only for Inno. Otherwise, I'd probably set 2G - 3G for
your 4GB machine. Benchmarking will help determine the right number
based on your number of concurrent connections.

> I am using the syntax as you describe it. In my notebook, with 512M RAM, it
> takes 4 hours to complete.

InnoDB uses a lot more disc IO, for me anyway. Overall, I see a huge
concurrency jump and the increased IO cost is well worth it.

> The top command says mysqld is using about 8% of CPU, so it must be a disk
> problem. Funny thing is, it did not show when the tables were MyISAM.

Try the settings above -- it'll probably make a difference..

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