Gleb Paharenko wrote:

Execute FLUSH PRIVILEGES after granting.

Yes, please read this one. FLUSH PRIVILEGES is NOT needed after GRANT, REVOKE, or SET PASSWORD. You only need to FLUSH if you directly edit the grant tables (INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE). Since he/she is using GRANT, FLUSH PRIVILEGES is unlikely to be relevant.

Connect to the server using mysql command line client using specified in GRANT statement
username and password to check that the problem not in MySQL server. What output does the following statement produce:

SHOW GRANTS FOR 'metal-host'@'localhost';

Run this when it works, and then again when it doesn't. If the result is different, then something is changing the privileges assigned to [EMAIL PROTECTED], so the solution will involve finding what is doing that. If the privs are the same, then we need to look elsewhere. From the (not entirely clear) description, I expect the first case.

What exact version of MySQL server do you use?


Hello Gleb, no i m not doing flush..i dont even know what flush is.
do u have anything in mind ?



Metal Host Contact wrote:

> I have installed in a single user called "metal-host" more than 10
> databases all with different names and in different php scripts (phpbb
> phpnuke mambo etc).
> the problem is that they only work as I install them,after some hour later
> all the scripts show me that error : Access denied for user:
> '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' (Using password: YES) ....
> then im trying to do : GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON somethign.* TO
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] IDENTIFIED BY "password"; and then each database that
> i re-give  the GRANT all command works perfectly..but for 1 minute
> only,then it gives me the same : Access denied for user:
> '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' (Using password: YES) .... So is there any
> limitation for the number of DBases that each user should
> run ?

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