Osvaldo Sommer wrote:
If you're doing this rapidly, I would take another approach completely. I haven't tested this, but my 'hunch' is that adding records via a DAO.Recordset.AddNew method would be the slowest and most error prone way of doing it. My preference would be use use ADO, and have a global connection object, and probably a global command object, and keep reusing the same objects. This is for speed and stability. I'm not 100% sure what is causing your problem, but I'm almost certain that the below method will work around it.This is the code:
Public Sub Graba_Recibido(texto As String) 277 On Error GoTo Manejo_Error 278 Dim db As Database 279 Dim rec As DAO.Recordset
281 texto = Mid(texto, 2, 2) & Mid(texto, 7, Len(texto) - 7) 282 texto = Mid(texto, 1, Len(texto) - 1)
284 Set db = CurrentDb 285 Set rec = db.OpenRecordset("select * from BALANZA_RECEPCION where 1=0", dbOpenDynaset, dbSeeChanges, dbOptimistic) ' abro la tabla 286 rec.AddNew ' Agrego uno nuevo 287 rec!rc_data = texto 288 rec!rc_fecha = CDbl(Date) 289 rec!rc_procesado = "N" 290 rec.Update ' Actualizo información 291 rec.Close ' cierro cursor 292 Set db = Nothing
296 Exit Sub 297 Manejo_Error: 298 Set db = Nothing 299 Procesa_Error "DibalTimer - Funciones Locales - Graba_Recibido", True End Sub
To start with, when the Access database opens, open an ADO connection object and an ADO command object:
Sub on_database_startup
Global mysql_conn as ADODB.Connection Global mysql_command as ADODB.Command
Set mysql_conn = New ADODB.Connection
With mysql_conn
.ConnectionString = "Driver={MySQL ODBC 3.51 driver};Server=;DATABASE=my_database_name;UID=some_user_name;PWD=some_password"
End With
Set mysql_command = New ADODB.Command
With mysql_command .ActiveConnection = mysql_conn .CommandType = acCommandTxt End With
End Sub
Note that the connection string should be on one line.
Now that you have both the above objects loaded in memory and connected to MySQL, your code that inserts the data would simply be:
Public Sub Graba_Recibido(texto As String)
On Error GoTo Manejo_Error
texto = Mid(texto, 2, 2) & Mid(texto, 7, Len(texto) - 7) texto = Mid(texto, 1, Len(texto) - 1)
With mysql_command
.CommandText = "insert into BALANZA_RECEPCION ( rc_data, rc_fecha, rc_procesado )" _
& " values ( " '" & texto & "', '" & Format(Date, "yyyy-mm-dd") & "', 'N' )"
End With
End Sub
You could also use MySQL's curdate() function instead of using the client Date() function:
With mysql_command
.CommandText = "insert into BALANZA_RECEPCION ( rc_data, rc_fecha, rc_procesado )" _
& " values ( " '" & texto & "', curdate(), 'N' )"
End With
You also have to watch that you don't have text with quotes in the string texto - if this is possible, you'll have to escape them before sending the SQL to MySQL.
It's possible that you can do the above with DAO - I haven't used DAO - I jumped straight into ADO, and it works very well for me. The idea with DAO would be the same - create your objects at the start and reuse them.
I've got a small section on my website about using Access with MySQL. Have a look at http://entropy.homelinux.org/MySQL/ and specifically http://entropy.homelinux.org/MySQL/optimizing.html#ado
And this is the error report i gotYou may find out more info on what's causing your problems by checking the mysql logs. For example, is Access taking up the maximum number of connections ( opening connections and not closing them )?
Fecha: 02/03/2005 Hora: 11:43:22 AM
Error en DibalTimer - Funciones Locales - Graba_Recibido:
Error #3151 (Línea: 285) (Source: DAO.Database) ODBC--connection to
'{MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver}dellserver' failed.
-- Daniel Kasak IT Developer NUS Consulting Group Level 5, 77 Pacific Highway North Sydney, NSW, Australia 2060 T: (+61) 2 9922-7676 / F: (+61) 2 9922 7989 email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] website: http://www.nusconsulting.com.au
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