Stephen Andert wrote:

Hi there,

I searched the archives, but didn't find anything helpful.

I am trying to build a fairly simple application for contact
management.  I already have what I want built in MS Access, but I need
this application to run on Linux.

I did some searching and Rekall looked like a good tool.  Had a hard
time getting configure to work and now make is not working right.

Does anyone have any recommendations for a simple tool for developing
applications in a Linux world?  The machine in question is currently
RedHat 9 and I'm not really interested in changing that right now.

I don't care if the app runs as a web application or stand-alone
application, the keys are:

- work with MySQL (support for PostgreSQL a plus)
- easy to install (relative term)

Advanced features not a big deal right now.  With MS Access, it takes
me 10 minutes to get a basic data-entry form up and running.  I just
want something similar for Linux.

Rekall looks like a tool that would meet my needs, but I'm getting
frustrated with the install process.  Has anyone gone through that and
found a better way?  Or does anyone have an alternate recommendation?

I was in the same position a little over a year ago ... exactly the same position actually - our MS Access sales system ( basically contact management with a couple of reports ) needed to run on Linux computers.

I spent many an hour wrestling with Rekall, and eventually gave it up. It's too much like Access and not enough like Linux. I mucked around with PHP for a while, and did a remote access thing for remote salespeople, but for the majority of people here, and for management facilities, I rewrote the application in Perl Gtk2.

Arguments for this system:

- Perl is very easy to learn, runs on Windows, Linux and OS-X ( your main targets, I assume )
- There are a *lot* of Perl modules and cool things around. It's very easy to extend your functionality.
- Gtk2 runs on Windows, Linux and OS-X
- Gtk2 is themable ... cool-looking apps
- Gtk2 is just a nice toolkit - the layout of widgets is *far* better than Access' fixed-positions

The whole system runs blindingly fast, and is rock solid.

I've written a Perl module: to make our jobs a lot easier. It sits between DBI ( database drivers / interfact ) and Gtk2::GladeXML, and handles database interaction ... querying, updating fields on your forms, detecting changes to a record, applying changes back to the DB server, etc.

What you have to do is:

- Create your interface in Glade
- Write your application logic in Perl
- Use one or more Gtk2::Ex::DBI objects to connect tables in your database to your glade-generated forms.
- Put a couple of buttons on the form, and connect them to various methods of the Gtk2::Ex::DBI objects ( eg previous, next, apply, etc )

Overall it's a *very* nice system to be programming for - much more fun than Access.

If you need reports, I'm currently working on a PDF report writer ( also written in Perl ). There are some other packages I've been using with limited success - I can point you to them if you like.

Have a look at Gtk2::Ex::DBI and tell me what you think. You're exactly the type of person I'm targetting ( Access developers wanting to migrate to Linux ), so I'd be very interested to hear what you think, suggestions, feature requests, etc.


Daniel Kasak
IT Developer
NUS Consulting Group
Level 5, 77 Pacific Highway
North Sydney, NSW, Australia 2060
T: (+61) 2 9922-7676 / F: (+61) 2 9922 7989

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