"Gabriel PREDA" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 03/16/2005 06:12:14 AM:

> > It looks from googling as though I need to drop all foreign key
> constraints on this column, perform the change and then reestablish the
> foreign keys. Could anyone confirm or advise of a better solution?
> That is the way ! :)
> You need to drop the constrains...
> Alter  `reference` and make `id` INT
> You will need to alter the `monogenic` table as well... making it's `id` 
> also...
> Recreate constrains...
> Though... I do not know if you need to drop ALL constrains or only the 
> that ties the tables:
>     <this>CONSTRAINT `0_179` FOREIGN KEY (`id`) REFERENCES `reference`
> (`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE</this>
> Gabriel PREDA
> www.amr.ro
> www.lgassociations.info
> www.falr.ro
> dev.falr.ro

Yes, Gabriel is right. You do not have to remove ALL of your foreign 
constraints, only those that include the column you need to change. 

Imagine the situation that would occur if you had been able to 
successfully change the definition of the ID column and you didn't 
un-define your foreign keys or change any of your other referencing 
columns.  You would have had a relationship that was trying to enforce 
equality between an int on one side and a smallint on the other. Clearly 
that would be an illegal FK constraint, right? That's why you were not 
permitted to change the column as it would have made your existing foreign 
keys illegal.

Follow Gabriel's advice, drop the FKs that reference the column you want 
to change, modify the fields on BOTH ends of your FKs to have matching 
datatypes, then re-establish your FKs. It may be a little work but that's 
just part of the job.

Shawn Green
Database Administrator
Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine

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