I've spent the last few days modifying my website, and
when I published my files online, one of my tables was
knocked out of commission. It was really bizarre -
everything between the <tbody></tbody> tags
disappeared online. In other words, I didn't just lose
everything related to PHP/MySQL, I couldn't even see
<tr> or <td> in the source code.

I thought it was a HTML validation error or a problem
with one of my PHP scripts, but I haven't found any
smoking gun. Then I pasted a database table from
another page onto the problem page, and it works just

So copied the good table, then replaced the table and
field names with names from the problem table - and it
doesn't work.

So I suspect there's either something really weird
going on with this particular table - "counties" - or
there's some sort of conflict between MySQL verions.
My host hasn't upgraded to the latest MySQL. However,
that hasn't been a problem for me before, except that
I have to create tables independently due to that
collation stuff.

I put both tables online at

...and I appended the source code below. (Notice that
I included error_reporting(E_ALL);)

Again, both tables work fine locally, but I'm now
getting undefined index errors online and wonder if
the latest MySQL version requires a different syntax
in my script. Any tips?


$mycode = 'us-az';
$mytopic = 'cou';
echo '<head>';
$colors = array( '#eee', '', '#cfc', '' );

$result = mysql_query('select count(*) from
if (($result) && (mysql_result ($result , 0) > 0)) {
// continue here with the code that starts
//$res = mysql_query ("SELECT * FROM type.....
} else {
die('Invalid query: ' . mysql_error());

$res = mysql_query ("SELECT * FROM weatherna WHERE
weatherna.IDArea = '$mycode'")
or die (mysql_error());

echo '<table class="tabweather" id="tabtemp"
style="float: left; margin-right: 25px;">
  <tr><td class="tdmonth" id="tdjan"
colspan="2">Jan</td><td class="tdmonth" id="tdfeb"
colspan="2">Feb</td><td class="tdmonth" id="tdmar"
colspan="2">Mar</td><td class="tdmonth" id="tdapr"
//<!-- BeginDynamicTable -->
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array ($res)) {
     echo "<tr style=\"background-color:$c\"><".
$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] .'?id='. $row['IDArea'] .">
<td>". $row['JanHot'] ."&deg;</td><td>".
$row['JanCold'] ."&deg;</td><td>". $row['FebHot']
."&deg;</td><td>". $row['FebCold'] ."&deg;</td><td>".
$row['MarHot'] ."&deg;</td><td>". $row['MarCold']
."&deg;</td><td>". $row['AprHot'] ."&deg;</td><td
class='tdcold'>". $row['AprCold']

Cool Table

$colors = array( '#eee', '', '#cfc', '' );

$result = mysql_query('select count(*) from
if (($result) && (mysql_result ($result , 0) > 0)) {
// continue here with the code that starts
//$res = mysql_query ("SELECT * FROM type.....
} else {
die('Invalid query: ' . mysql_error());

$res = mysql_query ("SELECT * FROM counties WHERE
counties.seat = 'Lafayette'")
or die (mysql_error());

echo '<table>
//<!-- BeginDynamicTable -->
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array ($res)) {

echo 'XXX';
echo mysql_num_rows($res);

     echo "<tr style=\"background-color:$c\">
<td>". $row['seat'] ."</td><td>". $row['area']

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