Sorry if this is a little off topic.

I am trying to gather data concerning the use of database driven applications in a 
business environment.  Specifically, Intranet applications that are in use to increase 
productivity and/or eliminate paper.  Things like: meeting room scheduling, help desk, 
call in order processing, electronic data exchange, etc.

I am doing a study and need some good real-world examples of how people like you, use 
multi-user applications in the work place.  I need this data to bolster my study and 
bring these types of applications to my workplace (the military).  The military in 
general, and where I work in particular, are far behind the civilian workplace in 
utilizing IT.

All I need is a little data by filling in a very short (7 questions and less than a 
minute or so) survey at this location: 

This does not go into a database, but instead is simply e-mailed to me and I will not 
publish or share anything.  I don't even ask that you fill in all fields (no return 
e-mail addresses or anything like that).

Please do not respond to the list.  Instead feel free to flame me if this is truly too 
far off topic (I do use mySQL at work).

Thank you and please forgive my off-topic post.  I just figured this was the best 
forum of professionals to ask.

Charles Murison

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