To have mysql to start at boot you need to inform the inetd (daemon)  that 
mysql should be launched at one of the 6 levels:

Use chkconfig to have mysql start in one of the level (2,3,4,5,6)
5 being X windows.

There are two ways to check that mysql will be loaded:
- 1 - by checking the file in /etc/rc.d/rcX.d (X being a number: 1,2,3,4,5,6)
- 2 - by executing chkconfig

execute the following to see if mysql runs at any level
> /sbin/chkconfig --list | grep mysql 
you should see at which level mysql is running.
mysql   0:off   1:off   2:off  3:off  4:off  5:off  6:off

If it is all off then execute:
> /sbin/chkconfig --level 2345 mysql on 
(this will make sure that mysql runs at level 2, 3, 4 and 5)

On my machine (Fedora 2) it runs at 2,3,4 and 5.

Once you have it run at a level you can verify it by looking at rcX.d (X being 
a level):
for example to check that it runs at level 4:
go to /etc/rc.d/rc4.d/
and look at a file named ...mysql 
(S means it will be picked up by the inetd daemon)
(K means Kill and mysql wont start)

good luck

On Wednesday 30 March 2005 09:26 pm, Mark Sargent wrote:
> Hi All,
> below is my /etc/init.d/mysql content, but, mysql is not starting at
> boot on Fedora3. Have I missed something fundamental.? I need mysql to
> start at boot for snort to connect to it. Currently, snort gives an
> error stating it can't connect. Cheers.
> Mark Sargent.
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]# cat /etc/init.d/mysql
> #!/bin/sh
> # Copyright Abandoned 1996 TCX DataKonsult AB & Monty Program KB & Detron
> HB # This file is public domain and comes with NO WARRANTY of any kind
> # MySQL daemon start/stop script.
> # Usually this is put in /etc/init.d (at least on machines SYSV R4 based
> # systems) and linked to /etc/rc3.d/S99mysql and /etc/rc0.d/K01mysql.
> # When this is done the mysql server will be started when the machine is
> # started and shut down when the systems goes down.
> # Comments to support chkconfig on RedHat Linux
> # chkconfig: 2345 90 20
> # description: A very fast and reliable SQL database engine.
> # Comments to support LSB init script conventions
> # Provides: mysql
> # Required-Start: $local_fs $network $remote_fs
> # Required-Stop: $local_fs $network $remote_fs
> # Default-Start:  2 3 4 5
> # Default-Stop: 0 1 6
> # Short-Description: start and stop MySQL
> # Description: MySQL is a very fast and reliable SQL database engine.
> # If you install MySQL on some other places than /usr/local/mysql, then you
> # have to do one of the following things for this script to work:
> #
> # - Run this script from within the MySQL installation directory
> # - Create a /etc/my.cnf file with the following information:
> #   [mysqld]
> #   basedir=<path-to-mysql-installation-directory>
> # - Add the above to any other configuration file (for example ~/.my.ini)
> #   and copy my_print_defaults to /usr/bin
> # - Add the path to the mysql-installation-directory to the basedir
> variable #   below.
> #
> # If you want to affect other MySQL variables, you should make your changes
> # in the /etc/my.cnf, ~/.my.cnf or other MySQL configuration files.
> basedir=
> # The following variables are only set for letting mysql.server find
> things.
> # Set some defaults
> datadir=/usr/local/mysql/data
> pid_file=
> if test -z "$basedir"
> then
>   basedir=/usr/local/mysql
>   bindir=./bin
> else
>   bindir="$basedir/bin"
> fi
> PATH=/sbin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin:$basedir/bin
> export PATH
> mode=$1    # start or stop
> case `echo "testing\c"`,`echo -n testing` in
>     *c*,-n*) echo_n=   echo_c=     ;;
>     *c*,*)   echo_n=-n echo_c=     ;;
>     *)       echo_n=   echo_c='\c' ;;
> esac
> parse_arguments() {
>   for arg do
>     case "$arg" in
>       --basedir=*)  basedir=`echo "$arg" | sed -e 's/^[^=]*=//'` ;;
>       --datadir=*)  datadir=`echo "$arg" | sed -e 's/^[^=]*=//'` ;;
>       --pid-file=*) pid_file=`echo "$arg" | sed -e 's/^[^=]*=//'` ;;
>     esac
>   done
> }
> # Get arguments from the my.cnf file,
> # groups [mysqld] [mysql_server] and [mysql.server]
> if test -x ./bin/my_print_defaults
> then
>   print_defaults="./bin/my_print_defaults"
> elif test -x $bindir/my_print_defaults
> then
>   print_defaults="$bindir/my_print_defaults"
> elif test -x $bindir/mysql_print_defaults
> then
>   print_defaults="$bindir/mysql_print_defaults"
> else
>   # Try to find basedir in /etc/my.cnf
>   conf=/etc/my.cnf
>   print_defaults=
>   if test -r $conf
>   then
>     subpat='^[^=]*basedir[^=]*=\(.*\)$'
>     dirs=`sed -e "/$subpat/!d" -e 's//\1/' $conf`
>     for d in $dirs
>     do
>       d=`echo $d | sed -e 's/[  ]//g'`
>       if test -x "$d/bin/my_print_defaults"
>       then
>         print_defaults="$d/bin/my_print_defaults"
>         break
>       fi
>       if test -x "$d/bin/mysql_print_defaults"
>       then
>         print_defaults="$d/bin/mysql_print_defaults"
>         break
>       fi
>     done
>   fi
>   # Hope it's in the PATH ... but I doubt it
>   test -z "$print_defaults" && print_defaults="my_print_defaults"
> fi
> #
> # Test if someone changed datadir;  In this case we should also read the
> # default arguments from this directory
> #
> extra_args=""
> if test "$datadir" != "/usr/local/mysql/data"
> then
>   extra_args="-e $datadir/my.cnf"
> fi
> parse_arguments `$print_defaults $extra_args mysqld server mysql_server
> rver`
> #
> # Set pid file if not given
> #
> if test -z "$pid_file"
> then
>   pid_file=$datadir/`/bin/hostname`.pid
> else
>   case "$pid_file" in
>     /* ) ;;
>     * )  pid_file="$datadir/$pid_file" ;;
>   esac
> fi
> # Safeguard (relative paths, core dumps..)
> cd $basedir
> case "$mode" in
>   'start')
>     # Start daemon
>     if test -x $bindir/mysqld_safe
>     then
>       # Give extra arguments to mysqld with the my.cnf file. This script
> may # be overwritten at next upgrade.
>       $bindir/mysqld_safe --datadir=$datadir --pid-file=$pid_file
>  >/dev/null 2>& 1 &
>       # Make lock for RedHat / SuSE
>       if test -w /var/lock/subsys
>       then
>         touch /var/lock/subsys/mysql
>       fi
>     else
>       echo "Can't execute $bindir/mysqld_safe from dir $basedir"
>     fi
>     ;;
>   'stop')
>     # Stop daemon. We use a signal here to avoid having to know the
>     # root password.
>     if test -s "$pid_file"
>     then
>       mysqld_pid=`cat $pid_file`
>       echo "Killing mysqld with pid $mysqld_pid"
>       kill $mysqld_pid
>       # mysqld should remove the pid_file when it exits, so wait for it.
>       sleep 1
>       while [ -s $pid_file -a "$flags" !=
> aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ]
>       do
>         [ -z "$flags" ] && echo $echo_n "Wait for mysqld to exit$echo_c"
> || echo  $echo_n ".$echo_c"
>         flags=a$flags
>         sleep 1
>       done
>       if [ -s $pid_file ]
>          then echo " gave up waiting!"
>       elif [ -n "$flags" ]
>          then echo " done"
>       fi
>       # delete lock for RedHat / SuSE
>       if test -f /var/lock/subsys/mysql
>       then
>         rm -f /var/lock/subsys/mysql
>       fi
>     else
>       echo "No mysqld pid file found. Looked for $pid_file."
>     fi
>     ;;
>   'restart')
>     # Stop the service and regardless of whether it was
>     # running or not, start it again.
>     $0 stop
>     $0 start
>                 ;;
>   *)
>     # usage
>     echo "Usage: $0 start|stop|restart"
>     exit 1
>     ;;
> esac

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