
This is a client side problem.  Whatever is pooling/managing your
connections is not doing a very good job of it.  

You haven't mentioned how you are managing your connections within your
Tomcat app.  I know Tomcat has a managed connection pool but I'm less
than familiar with it.  Personally, I use a connection manager of my own
design for all my Java apps or Servlets. You might get some joy from
explicitly closing your Statements when you are done with them, but that
is a shot in the dark.  
You might have better luck on a JDBC list or a Tomcat list;  in any case
you will need to provide less detail about the nature of the application
and more specifics on how you acquire your connections.  Feel free to
send me that information while you are at it; I might be able to help.

 - michael dykman

On Wed, 2004-09-01 at 15:11, Michael McQuade wrote:
> Hi folks,  heres a real stupid question,   but Im baffled.....  I am running  
> MySQL v . 4.1.3b-beta-nt ,   JVM 1.4.2_05-b04 by SUN,
> Tomcat 5.0.27,    Windows 2000 Server....
> Im attempting to run SERVLETS for my application.....
> I have a HTML form to kick off my application in Tomcat App Manager....  It 
> has 2 options on it,    Company Login and User Login.....
> Company Login opens a new window to accept the Login-id and password,  calls 
> a Servlet to Open MySql, update it, close it.... then closes the window 
> returning to the HTML form....
> User Login opens a new window to accept the Login-id and password,  calls a 
> Servlet to Open MySql, update it, close it.... then continues on into the 
> application....
> My problem is this,  I log into the company, it accepts all the data, opens, 
> updates, closes Myql all with a Sqlstate = 00000 (perfect)
> I then log attemp to log into the USER and when it attempts to open the 
> database,  it returns SQLSTATE = 08002 (connection already in use)... Any 
> other calls to database result in SQLSTATE = 08000  (connection exception)
> if I back out to Tomcat App Manger, Stop the Application,  then Start the 
> application,   go back into the HTML screen and choose LOGIN USER,   I accept 
> the variables,   open the database, update it, and close it,  all with 
> SQLSTATE = 00000.....
> It seems,   that the connection is not being released after I do updates,  I 
> get a ONE TIME connect, update.......
> My code for the disconnect is pretty simple....
> commit
> disconnect all
> So I thought,   maybe I need a QUIT statement,  I changed to......
> Commit
> Quit
> Disconnect all
> The QUIT command throws an SQLSTATE = 42000  (invalid syntax....)
> Is QUIT not supported under MYSQL????
> can anyone ofer me CLUES as to why it may not be Disconnected successfuly....
> Im desperate here....
> Mike
 - michael dykman

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