Greg Whalin wrote:

We have noticed this as well and it is really pretty shoddy. It seems that when using IN( SELECT ....), they treat it as ANY() which does a full table scan.

Only way we have found to get fast performance out of subqueries is to use the derived table format and join with the derived table. But if I have to do that, might as well just use the join without the funky syntax.

Still, it does simplify some sql which is difficult to do with a regular join (i.e. joining w/ max() col, etc.).

In any rate, I agree. What is the point of claiming to offer sub-selects when thay are practically unusable in IN() statements which is how most people use subselects IMO.

Yup... couldn't agree more! MySQL subqueries in 4.1 are at best useless and at worst Evil.. plain Evil ! ;)

But nice try guys!

This seems like it REALLY deserves a bug fix!



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