At 04:27 PM 4/4/05, Frank Bax wrote:

Cannot execute query.

<snip my SQL statement>

Can't find file: './donor/list_lst.frm' (errno: 9)

-----     -----

I got the same error last week on a different table. Today I notice that there is a table in another database on same system producing the same error. I attempted to access mysql cli, but it just locked up after entering password. Start/stop mysql and mysql cli at least started but issued errors about some tables even before I entered a command. I decided to reboot and the problem goes away (for a while).

MySQL 4.0.20 - OpenBSD 3.6

Forgot to mention a couple of things:

1) The file that mysql complains about does exist.
# ls -ltr donor/list*.frm
-rw-rw----  1 _mysql  _mysql  8694 Jan 15 09:43 donor/list_lst.frm

2) When problem recurs (as it did on both databases this morning), the same file in each database is affected each time error appears.

3) In both databases (on same system) it is frm files in the error message.


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