Robert Citek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 04/06/2005 10:55:07 

> On Monday, Mar 7, 2005, at 16:04 US/Central, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > It would be happy to try to help if I worked in or on either of those
> > platforms (Apache + Java).  I am Win32(IIS), ASP (VBScript/JavaScript)
> > using MyODBC as my connection library.
> Is using MyODBC the accepted way to connect to a MySQL database from 
> within an ASP/VBScript page?  Or is there some other way?  For example, 
> PHP has a connector that can directly connect to a MySQL database.
> Regards,
> - Robert
> Help others get OpenSource software.  Distribute FLOSS
> for Windows, Linux, *BSD, and MacOS X with BitTorrent

MyODBC is but one way to connect code to server. I am not running ASP.NET 
servers so I don't use the .NET Connector. There was another project or 
two (like the .Net Connector) that was written for VB.  I found a copy of 
the source of one of them but all of the projects I have found seem to be 
abandoned (which means, you are responsible for your own support). The C++ 
API is packaged with the server)

Since I don't have time to update these legacy connectors to keep up with 
the new server technology (Views, SPROCS, INFORMATION_SCHEMA, 4.1+ 
password hashing, etc) and I don't have enough time to debug it when I get 
it wrong (which everyone does), I decided to go with the tested and 
prepackaged MyODBC. 

Now, if anyone else has or knows of a product that will work from ASP (not 
ASP.Net) or VB (not VB.NET) and doesn't require the .NET runtime library 
to be installed I would love to hear from you. Please respond to the list 
so that everyone has a chance to get in on it, too.


Shawn Green
Database Administrator
Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine

PS. I am sure that if I tried really hard, I could call a compiled version 
of the C++ API from VB but I don't want to go through the motions of 
converting all of the APIs function calls into VB "declare" statements. I 
have thought about it, but decided against it. Once again, it's a matter 
of time and support. - S

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