great, so this is how the mailing list works...ahh...

On 4/13/05, Paul DuBois <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Possibilities:
> - option file is not one that is read by mysql
> - you didn't put the option in the [mysql] section
> - you included the leading dashes.
> If you invoke mysql with the --default-character-set=utf8 option on
> the command line, are the character_set_xxx variables set properly?

you are right, my bad, i place the --default-character-set=utf8 under
[mysqld], but not the [mysql], silly me..

thank you Paul, now that the mysql command line display all the
character_set_* in utf8.

But when php connects to mysql, (character_set_client, character_set_results,
character_set_connection ) will be set to latin1 somehow, i will still
have to issue SET NAMES 'utf8'; upon every connection to get the
desirable result, i guess that's a php problem afterall huh?

I guess I can live with the extra query, SET NAMES 'utf8'; 


On 4/13/05, Paul DuBois <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> At 9:59 +0800 4/13/05, D. wrote:
> >I don't know if this is the right way to get back to the thread,
> >hopefully this will be placed under the same thread. :)
> >
> >Thank you for your input, Ligaya.
> >ahhh...mbstring, I tired that after i got your reply, but it didn't
> >help to solve the puzzle,
> >
> >I did manage to find myself a solution last night though,
> >
> >it turns out that even if I set --default-character-set = utf-8 in the
> >option file,
> >the character_set_client, character_set_results,
> >character_set_connection somehow are still latin1.
> Possibilities:
> - option file is not one that is read by mysql
> - you didn't put the option in the [mysql] section
> - you included the leading dashes.
> If you invoke mysql with the --default-character-set=utf8 option on
> the command line, are the character_set_xxx variables set properly?
> >
> >I don't know if this is some bug in mysql (--default-character-set in
> >option file has little or no effects??), or it has to do with php
> >internal encoding(php issues a latin1 charset upon every mysql
> >connection by default?? is that possible? I am still wondering....)
> >anyway, i manage to issue a SET NAMES  'utf8'; query after every
> >connection, and everything works well.
> >
> >I'm pretty satisfied with this result at the moment, now i can catch
> >some sleeps happily.
> >
> >thank you again,
> >
> >de-zhao cai
> >
> >On 4/13/05, Ligaya Turmelle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>  have you altered your php.ini file in the mbstring section?  I don't
> >>  know if it makes a difference but I have always changed my to:
> >>
> >>  ; language for internal character representation.
> >>  mbstring.language = utf8
> >>  ; internal/script encoding.
> >>  mbstring.internal_encoding = utf8
> >>
> >>  and have never had a problem.
> >>
> >>  D. wrote:
> >>
> >>  > Hi, this might not be a mysql problem, but hopefully someone will be
> >>  > able to answer, thanks in advance.
> >>  >
> >>  > I notice a lot of people had asked the same question and the typical
> >>  > response in the mailing list seemed to be, "make sure you encode the
> >>  > data to utf-8 before insert into mysql...", or something similiar.
> >>  >
> >>  > I have tried that too, but somehow it didn't work out..
> >>  >
> >>  > what i'm trying to do is, to make everything utf-8, so that there is
> >>  > no conversion between database <-> connection <-> php <-> output (at
> >>  > least on the server level)
> >>  >
> >>  > the first thing i did was to set mysql charset variables:
> >>  > character set client  utf8
> >>  > character set connection  utf8
> >>  > character set database  utf8
> >>  > character set results  utf8
> >>  > character set server  utf8
> >>  > character set system  utf8
> >>  >
> >>  > all database, tables are created in utf8
> >>  >
> >>  > output HTML charset: utf-8
> >>  > (I even set the php code to utf-8...dont know if that's useful...)
> >>  >
> >>  > case 1:
> >>  > when i input traditional chinese characters on internet explorer
> >>  > (charset utf-8) and store them into database, supposingly there's no
> >>  > need to go through any encoding conversion? (the browser will send the
> >>  > data in utf-8? i did a utf-8 validation, just to make sure all the
> >>  > data are utf-8 before i insert, and the data was utf-8 validated.)
> >>  >
> >>  > when I extract the data from mysql:
> >>  > 1. it works fine, almost all characters can display properly, except
> >>  > for some characters. (example: åã ʾ, will show up as þ[ ?)
> >>  > 2. NONE of the data showed up correctly in mysql query browser
> >>  >
> >>  > case 2:
> >>  > i inputed in a set of test data in mysql query browser, and it shows
> >>  > up properly in mysql query browser, but when i try to fetch the data
> >>  > from my php, and render it to browser(  charset utf-8), it shows up
> >>  > ????? (that's the problem other ppl are having i guess, but i have
> >>  > done all those encoding steps, did I?)
> >>  >
> >>  > phpMyAdmin (my version 2.6.1beta, and 2.6.1) behaves the same way
> >>  > mysql query browser does.
> >>  >
> >>  > just to make things less complicated,
> >>instead of getting data from browser,
> >>  > i tried to get from uft-8 encoded files (same bad result),
> >>  > and i tired to make the data contained in a variable inside the php
> >  > > code page(utf-8 encoded), same problem occured.
> >>  > and lastly, i tried to output the posted data back to browser(without
> >>  > going through database), internet explorer renders all characters
> >>  > properly.
> >>  >
> >>  > so it seems to me that i'm missing something on the php & mysql
> >>  > communication level. is that so?
> >>  >
> >>  > other information:
> >>  > php 5.0.3
> >>  > apache 2.0.53
> >>  > windows xp sp2
> >>  > mysql 4.1.10a with innoDB/utf8 default
> >>  > mysql query browser 1.1.6
> >>  > phpMyAdmin 2.6.1
> >>  > mysql & mysqli
> >>  >
> >>  > I notice that phpMyAdmin doesn't have this problem when it displays
> >>  > the data it stores, probably this is not a mysql issue, (phpMyAmin
> >>  > works well with MySql Query Browser too, i must have missed something
> >>  > in php i guess), hopefully someone will be able to tell me, so my
> >>  > questions are:
> >>  >
> >>  > after setting mysql charset to utf-8, and beside making sure the data
> >>  > is encoded in utf-8 properly (which i think i did), what else do i
> >>  > need to do on the programming level?
> >>  > or could i have done wrong in some of the steps?
> >>  > or could i have not done some necessary steps to work with mysql
> >>  > charset features?
> >>  >
> >>  > and lastly,
> >>  > is it possible to develope an encoding conversion free program(at
> >>  > least on the server(s) level)?
> >>  >
> >>  > any inputs will be appreciated. I thank everyone in advance.
> >>  >
> >  > > de-zhao
> >>  >
> >>
> >>  --
> >>  Respectfully,
> >>  Ligaya Turmelle
> >>
> >>  "Life is a game.... so have fun"
> >>
> >>
> >>
> --
> Paul DuBois, MySQL Documentation Team
> Madison, Wisconsin, USA

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