On Wednesday, April 13, 2005 20:17, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> MySql vers 4.0.20
> A table "noticeboard" has three test entries.
> A unix time from date("U") is stored in the field "published" of
> type, bigint20. 
> I am not able to workout how to select  the year.  Assuming that the
> value from date("U") can be treated as a unixtime value, my latest
> unsuccessful effort is ....  
> $yearslist = mysql_query("SELECT published,
> noticeboard") or die("Cannot get list of years.<br>" .
> mysql_error());  
> $counttotal = mysql_num_rows($yearslist); echo "<div>Rows found
> $counttotal</div>"; 
> while ($myrow = mysql_fetch_array($yearslist)) {
> if (ISSET($myrow['published'])){$published=$myrow['published'];}
> $yearpub=date("Y",$published);
> if (ISSET($myrow['year'])){
> $year=$myrow['year'];}
> else {echo "<div>Year is not set</div>";}
> echo "<div>Year $year but value was $published.  Year value should be
> $yearpub</div>"; 
> }
> The result is
> Rows found 3
> Year 1969 but value was 1083923875. Year value should be 2004 Year
> 1969 but value was 1113300220. Year value should be 2005 Year 1969
> but value was 1113351870. Year value should be 2005  
> Louise

My guess is that you are passing what is already a unix timestamp to 
the function unix_timestamp, and since that is an invalid datetime it 
returns zero which then causes from_unixtime to return 1969 (when epoch 
time started in your time zone).

Try using FROM_UNIXTIME(published,'%Y')

Tom Crimmins
Interface Specialist
Pottawattamie County, Iowa

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