Actually, it came from Mysql 4.1.1 (not 4.1.3 as I mentioned earlier). When I do select queries, the data displays just fine, but when I dump, I get this garbage.

Jeremy Cole wrote:

Hi Steve,

I'm trying to export data from mysql 4.1.3 with mysqldump.

I'm getting weird characters from the system. Here's what I've discovered
so far:

' becomes ^À^Ù, e.g. didn't becomes didnâ^À^Ùt

- becomes â^À^Ó, e.g. 1-2 becomes 1â^À^Ó2

è becomes è, e.g. Entrèe becomes Entrèe

What gives?

Looks like an application of the GIGO (Garbage In, Garbage Out) principle to me. The above data wouldn't have happened to come from a Microsoft Office application, would it?

Looks like "Smart Quotes" etc., strikes again, to me.



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