(You always need to include the list on all responses. In this case, I do 
not work in PHP enough to be able to help with this particular problem but 
I know there are several PHP experts on the list.) -- SG
----- Forwarded by Shawn Green/Unimin on 04/15/2005 02:38 PM -----

Aji Andri <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 04/15/2005 02:30:38 

> I'm sorry if I didn't make it so clear, here is what
> I'm doing,
> -------script start here-----------
> $query   = "select a.*, b.sty_descr as styname from
> STY_REPORT_200501 a left join STY_ITEM b on
> a.std_item=b.sty_code where a.std_nis=" . $stid;
>    $result   = mysql_query($query) or die("Query " .
> $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] . " : " . $query . " failed");
>    $ccount   = mysql_num_rows($result);
>    while ($nline = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
>         echo $nline["std_item"];
>         echo $nline["std_value"];
> --------end first script--------------
> this script have output is like this
> ----result------------
> std_nis  std_class std_item  std_value
> 111        1          1       8  -----1st row
> 111         1          2       7  -----2nd row
> 111         1          5       6  -----3rdt row
> 111         1          4       9  -----4th row
> 222       3          1       6
> 222         3          2       5
> 222         3          3       6 
> --------end result------------
>  and the result POST to the second script
> -------second script----------------
> $_SESSION["action"]=="EDITNilai"){
>       $query   = "update STY_REPORT_200501 set std_value='"
> . $nenilai . "', std_nis='" . $nenis . "', std_item='"
> . $neitem . "', std_entusr='" . $neentusr . "' where
> std_item=".$neitem ;
> -------end second script------------
> after executed the second script the result is like
> this
> -------2nd result----------
> std_nis  std_class std_item  std_value
> 111        1          1       8   -----1st row
> 111         1          1       8   -----2nd row
> 111         1          1       8   ------3rd row
> 111         1          1       8   -----4th row
> 222       3          1       8
> 222         3          2       5
> 222         3          3       6 
> -------end 2nd result-----------
> the update based on std_nis make all std_item become
> same, how to update the multi row with it content
> without change other row in same std_nis in one query
> ?
> I'm hoping the update chane in std_value only
> ------hoping result------------
> std_nis  std_class std_item  std_value
> 111        1          1       6  -----1st row, old=8
> 111         1          2       5  -----2nd row, old=7
> 111         1          5       2  -----3rdt row, old=6
> 111         1          4       7  -----4th row, old=9
> 222       3          1       6
> 222         3          2       5
> 222         3          3       6 
> --------end result------------
> I hope that clear enough, is there any way to make it
> work ?
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