OK, I don't see much wrong with this version either. 

Again I ask you:
Which version you are using?
Can you post some sample data and the incorrect results?

Here is a similar query that is working for me. This matches Projects with 
the people who have the resources to complete them (Suppliers). (If this 
data looks familiar to some readers, I also used these tables in an 
earlier thread):

  name varchar(11) default NULL,
  rsrc varchar(15) default NULL


CREATE TABLE project (
  proj varchar(11) default NULL,
  rsrc varchar(15) default NULL


select * from people;

| name    | rsrc   |
| noah    | wood   |
| noah    | canvas |
| lincoln | wood   |
| davinci | canvas |
| davinci | paint  |
5 rows in set (0.06 sec)

select * from project;

| proj     | rsrc          |
| ark      | wood          |
| ark      | canvas        |
| cabin    | wood          |
| monalisa | canvas        |
| monalisa | paint         |
| jeans    | canvas        |
| jeans    | sewingmachine |
7 rows in set (0.05 sec)

SELECT pr.proj, pr.rsrc,  p.name 
FROM project pr
LEFT JOIN people p
        ON p.rsrc = pr.rsrc;

| proj     | rsrc          | name    |
| ark      | wood          | noah    |
| ark      | wood          | lincoln |
| ark      | canvas        | noah    |
| ark      | canvas        | davinci |
| cabin    | wood          | noah    |
| cabin    | wood          | lincoln |
| monalisa | canvas        | noah    |
| monalisa | canvas        | davinci |
| monalisa | paint         | davinci |
| jeans    | canvas        | noah    |
| jeans    | canvas        | davinci |
| jeans    | sewingmachine | NULL    |
12 rows in set (0.00 sec)

I get a NULL for person on the last line because nobody has a sewing 
machine to share for the "jeans" project.  To match your second query, I 
need to detect either a particular person ( I pick 'davinci') or a NULL.

SELECT pr.proj, pr.rsrc,  p.name 
FROM project pr
LEFT JOIN people p
        ON p.rsrc = pr.rsrc
WHERE p.name='davinci'
        or p.name is null;

| proj     | rsrc          | name    |
| ark      | canvas        | davinci |
| monalisa | canvas        | davinci |
| monalisa | paint         | davinci |
| jeans    | canvas        | davinci |
| jeans    | sewingmachine | NULL    |
5 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Which is what we expect. Now, can you please show us what is wrong with 
your output?

Shawn Green
Database Administrator
Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine

"Rich Brant" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 04/19/2005 03:46:33 PM:

> I forgot the important part: what I want is to filter on a userID in the
> person table such as - 
> SELECT     u.Username, p.UserID
> FROM         Users u LEFT OUTER JOIN
>                       Person p ON u.UserID = p.UserID
> WHERE     (p.UserID = 5) OR
>                       (p.UserID IS NULL)
> THis will return both the matching recs from the user table and NULLs 
> the person table in sql server, but is what I cant get to work in 
>   _____ 
> Sent: Tuesday, April 19, 2005 3:14 PM
> To: Rich Brant
> Cc: mysql@lists.mysql.com
> Subject: Re: mysql syntax
> Rich Brant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 04/19/2005 03:05:51 PM:
> > I'm used to doing something simple such as the following in sql 
> > 
> > SELECT     u.Username, p.UserID
> > FROM       Users u LEFT JOIN
> >            Person p ON u.UserID = p.UserID
> > 
> > However, I'm not seeing the same results in MySQL.  I don't get all
> > the recs in the users table and NULLs in the userID column from the
> > person table when the users.userID is not in the person table.  I get
> > no recs at all.  What am I missing here?
> > 
> > Thanks!
> > 
> I don't see any obvious problems with your query. I use LEFT JOINs all 
> time. 
> Which version MySQL are you using? Can you give us an example of what 
> base data looks like (Users table and Person table), and what you 
> got as a response? 
> Shawn Green
> Database Administrator
> Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine

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