Dear mySQl community,

In the following I do not only list a problem, others might also run in,
but I also want to point out a stangeness of one of your fixes.

Recently there was a change in 3.23.49 (on Debian/Woody):

 * Applied patch for a bug that wrongly interpreted '_' in    
conjunction with the GRANT PRIVILEGES command as wildcard instead as   
literal character giving an unprivileged mysql user the possibility    
to grant himself rights on tables he has no privileges on.   
  (Thanks to Sean Finney for creating the patch from the RedHat
backporting    and the MySQL bitkeeper changeset). 
Closes: #285276, #296674

Du to this, some of our users with permissions to db xyz00\\_% did not
have any rights on such db name patterns anymore:

mysql> GRANT ALL ON xyz00_abc.* TO xyz00_foo;
ERROR 1044: Access denied for user: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' to database

We fixed this by giving rights to db xyz00_% instead of xyz00\_% by

echo "UPDATE mysql.db SET Db = concat(User,'_%') \
        WHERE Db like '_____\\\\\\_\\%'" | mysql
echo "FLUSH PRIVILEGES" | mysql

So much, if somebody else runs into the same problem.

But I don't think that the change was ok.  Why not interpreting "_" as a
wildcard character, but "%"? And I hope you will not also disable "%"

I might have misunderstood the error report, but if somebody grants rights
to dbs including _, it should be interpreted as a wildcard.  If \_ is
used, it should be a _ character with no wildcard functionality.  Who is


Michael Hönnig|Boytinstr. 10|D-22143 Hamburg ||[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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