If you posted your actual table structures (SHOW CREATE TABLE xxxxxx\G) I 
think I could be more helpful. Right now I am just "shooting in the dark".

Shawn Green
Database Administrator
Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine

James <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 04/26/2005 02:15:49 PM:

> I tried that and maybe I'm doing something wrong but...
> -I have to select the same number of columns...for each UNION
> -And each of the records from the union fall under the same column 
> headings as the first SELECT...
> I even tried to define column aliases..
> SELECT `running` as `running_blah`...
> -James
> At 1:03 PM -0400 4/26/05, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >james tu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 04/26/2005 12:06:34 PM:
> >
> >>  I have four different activities.  Each has its own set of data that
> >>  I want to save.  So, I made four different tables to hold the saved
> >>  data. Each record also has 'keywords' field (essentially this is the
> >>  only field that all tables have in common.)
> >>
> >>  Later on, I want to search all the keywords in these tables...and
> >>  then retrieve the saved information from the four different tables.
> >>
> >>  Question:
> >>  Should I just search each of the tables individually?
> >>
> >>
> >>  Or should I create another table that will hold the keywords, the
> >>  tablename, and the ID of the saved record in that particular
> >>  table...and then perform my search on this NEW table?
> >>
> >>  Thanks.
> >>  --
> >>  -James
> >>
> >
> >
> >I would properly index each table and UNION the results of the 4 
> >searches. Have you considered creating a Full Text index for your 
> >keyword fields?
> >
> >Say your 4 tables are called: running, swimming, jumping, and walking
> >
> >SELECT 'running', <column list>
> >FROM running
> >WHERE <keywords search condition>
> >SELECT 'swimming', <column list>
> >FROM swimming
> >WHERE <keywords search condition>
> >SELECT 'jumping', <column list>
> >FROM jumping
> >WHERE <keywords search condition>
> >SELECT 'walking', <column list>
> >FROM walking
> >WHERE <keywords search condition>;
> >
> >I used the first column only to identify which table each match 
> >comes from. That way if you have records in each table with matching 
> >PK values, you know which table to go back to in order to get any 
> >additional information. The only problem with this type of search is 
> >that your <column list> columns must be compatible between each of 
> >the tables. If the second column is numeric in your first query then 
> >the second column will be coerced to numeric for each of the 
> >remaining 3 queries. If for some reason that fails, then the whole 
> >UNION fails and you get an error.
> >
> >Shawn Green
> >Database Administrator
> >Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine
> >
> -- 
> -James Tu
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> ESI Design
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> New York, NY 10003
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