I backup a db using mysqldump, but when I come to execute the sql file on an 
empty db I get this
C:\xampp\xampp\mysql\bin>mysql -uroot db2 < test3.txtERROR 1005 at line 
54: Can't create table '.\db2\shift.frm' (errno: 150)
I have tried to fix the foreign key constraint (error 150), but to no avail, I 
cannot see what is wrong with it nd anyway if I created this in the same mysql, 
then why doesn't it generate code that is valid?
Here's the create that it fails on:
CREATE TABLE shift (  staff char(20) NOT NULL default '',  shift char(1) NOT 
NULL default '',  client char(20) default NULL,  role char(1) default NULL,  on 
date NOT NULL default '0000-00-00',  PRIMARY KEY  (staff,shift,on),  KEY staff 
(staff,role),  KEY shift (shift),  KEY client (client),  KEY role (role),  
CONSTRAINT `shift_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`staff`, `role`) REFERENCES `staffrole` 
(`uniquename`, `role`),  CONSTRAINT `shift_ibfk_2` FOREIGN KEY (`shift`) 
REFERENCES `shifttype` (`shift`),  CONSTRAINT `shift_ibfk_3` FOREIGN KEY 
(`client`) REFERENCES `client` (`uniquename`),  CONSTRAINT `shift_ibfk_4` 
FOREIGN KEY (`staff`) REFERENCES `staff` (`uniquename`),  CONSTRAINT 
`shift_ibfk_5` FOREIGN KEY (`role`) REFERENCES `roletype` (`role`)) TYPE=InnoDB;
I've tried back ticks on all the `on` column references, but still get same 
I have MySQL 4.0.18 and the mysqldump is :mysqldump  Ver 9.10 Distrib 4.0.17, 
for Win95/Win98 Is this the problem?  If so where do I get the right version of 
mysqldump?  Later ones may not be bkwds compat.
Can any-one help?
Andrew H

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