madderla sreedhar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 05/02/2005 03:10:07 AM:

> Can u please execute the following procedure in MySql
> and tell me where I had gone wrong because on my
> system the same code is giving error near line 
> "  := 'TRUE' "
> CREATE  PROCEDURE cart_items_validate
> (IN mcustid INT ,IN mprodid varchar(10),
> OUT mvalidate  varchar(10))
> DECLARE rowexists INT(6);
> select count(*) into rowexists from esr_cartitems_data
> where customer_id=mcustid and item_id=mprodid;
> if rowexists>0 THEN
>    mvalidate := 'TRUE'
> else
>    mvalidate := 'FALSE';
> end if;
> END;
> Any help is welcome .
> Thanks,
> Sreedhar.
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Don't you need to DECLARE the variable "mvalidate" before you can use it? 
You already declare rowexists, try adding another declare.

Shawn Green
Database Administrator
Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine

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