Gordon wrote:

>Here is the table structure.
>In this case I tried to change the 4 characters in prod_ID when I get the
>message, but I get the same message when I try to make any changes.
>Doing the exact same activity works fine on all of the 3.23/4.0/4.1 versions
>I have installed previouly. Tables with unsigned integer fields work just
>fine through this interface on previous versions.
unsigned int doesn't work for me. Anyway, you don't seem to have an
unsigned in in the table def below so it doesn't matter.

> The only anomaly up to
>this point is that I can't change timestamp fields through the odbc
>connection. They display as dates in access and I can change other fields in
>the table correctly, just can't change the timestamp fields.
Timestamp fields aren't for you to change. MySQL changes them when you
edit the record. If you want to edit a timestamp field, what you really
need is another field, of type datetime ... you can edit those to your
heart's content.

>mysql> show create table product_order_choice;
>| Table                | Create Table
>| product_order_choice | CREATE TABLE `product_order_choice` (
>  `cpny_ID` varchar(4) NOT NULL default '',
>  `prod_ID` varchar(4) NOT NULL default '',
>  `porc_Look_Up_Type` varchar(25) NOT NULL default '',
>  `prft_Sub_Month` char(2) NOT NULL default '00',
>  `prft_Sub_Item` char(2) NOT NULL default '0',
>  `poch_Name` varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',
>  `prct_ID` varchar(4) default NULL,
>  `poch_Value` text,
>  `poch_Image_Path` varchar(255) default NULL,
>  `poch_Link` varchar(255) default NULL,
>  `poch_Link_2` varchar(255) default NULL,
>  `poch_Active` enum('Yes','No','Hidden') NOT NULL default 'Yes',
>  `poch_Timestamp` timestamp(14) NOT NULL,
>  `poch_Create` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
>) TYPE=InnoDB |
>1 row in set (0.00 sec)
I would strongly recommend against using a composite primary key. This
could be the cause of your error. If you want you can still put a unique
key across all 4 fields, which has the same effect of making sure you
don't get duplicates across them. I would use an unsigned mediumint
auto_increment field as the primary key, and then put your unique index
across the 4 fields that are now your primary key. You will of course
have to re-link your tables in Access after this. You shouldn't need to
rewrite any code immediately after this - you can still link to this
table via the composite index, but you will probably get better
performance by rewriting any joins to use the auto_increment primary key.

Daniel Kasak
IT Developer
NUS Consulting Group
Level 5, 77 Pacific Highway
North Sydney, NSW, Australia 2060
T: (+61) 2 9922-7676 / F: (+61) 2 9922 7989
website: http://www.nusconsulting.com.au

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