At 12:49 30/4/2001 -0400, Rhasaun Campbell wrote:
To install and start up MySQL is easy and fast on Win2000,
below you see the commands I had, before the setup:

Microsoft Windows 2000 [Versão 5.00.2195]
(C) Copyright 1985-1999 Microsoft Corp.


C:\mysql\bin>mysqld-nt --install

C:\mysql\bin>net start mysql

O serviço de MySql foi iniciado com êxito.

C:\mysql\bin>mysql test
Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 1 to server version: 3.23.36

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer


You see the message of the service start in Portuguese, because
my Win2k Server version is Portuguese.

After this, every machine boot the service is started automatic.
Notice also that you need to login with administrator rights
to set a service on NT/Win2k machines.

Take a look in the Manual at \mysql\docs

The setup and start I did ~ 2 min.


>Ok I tried both of your suggestions but no dice. I actuall failed to mention
>that once I got into the bin i tired to start the service by typing
>mysld--standalone, but it returned an error stating:
>mysqld--standalone is not recognized as an internal or external command,
>operable program or batch file...
>so I physically went to the bin and looked at files where there, I saw
>mysql.exe to I tired to start mysql server that way but i got another error
>stating "Can't connect to MySQL server on'localhost' <10061>
>Basically I know my problem lies in starting the service, because i tried
>pinging localhost 3306 and it timed out, So do you have any other
>ohh btw I just picked up a book PHP fast and easy web development by Julie C
>Melonie, and with it came a CD-Rom with mysql-shareware-3_22_34-win.exe, I
>checked the site and saw that they had newer versions of MySQL out, so maybe
>that is my problem.... thanks for your help already anymore will be greatly
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Michael Tefft [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>Sent: Sunday, April 29, 2001 10:25 PM
>To: Rhasaun Campbell
>Subject: RE: Newbie win 2000 install question
>Well, just typing cd c:\mysql\bin does not do anything. You are just going
>to the mysql bin directory. To start mysql try doing mysqld &. Better yet,
>run winmysqladmin and start it from there.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Rhasaun Campbell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>Sent: Sunday, April 29, 2001 9:48 PM
>To: mysql list
>Subject: Newbie win 2000 install question
>Ok so here's the deal, I'm trying to check if mysql is working on my machine
>so I open up the dos command prompt, type cd c:\mysql\bin and everything's
>then it try to create a test database by  typing mysqladmin create testDB,
>it try's to connect but it gives me an error message
>  "Can't connect to mySQL server on 'localhost' <10061>'
>then it says check that mysqld is running on localhost and that the port is
>I tried to telnet to 3306 and of course iut's not running, so here's my
>question How do I get the mySQL server to start running on my machine.....
>ohh btw I'm on a w2k workstation. I know it's something that's probably
>simple, which I'm overlooking, but I could use some help figuring it out.
>The install went fine, I just need some help with starting mysql...please
>Rhasaun Campbell
>Web Consultant
>Urban Graphics
>110 Camden St.
>Roselle Pk, NJ 07204
>c. 908.531.9418
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