Tommy Barrios wrote:

Using the below statement results in a null data dump:
SELECT * FROM items WHERE item = '109S2' AND venturi_type = 'L-shaped' AND category = 'burner';
Whereas if change the 'S' in the item = 10902 like this:
SELECT * FROM items WHERE item = '10902' AND venturi_type = 'L-shaped' AND category = 'burner';
I get a full complete data dump. Both numbers are legitimate part numbers in the item column yet one works the other does not.

Apparently you have no rows where all three criteria are true. If you think you do, you need to examine the values in the table more carefully. Perhaps the item value has a newline at the end or a space at the beginning or something else not immediately visible. Try selecting LENGTH() or HEX() of a column to see whether it's what you expect.

Smokefree DC
Washington, DC

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