Here is the requested data dump from DESC items;

id      int(10)         PRI     NULL    auto_increment
item    varchar(30)                             
brands  text                            
category        text                            
subcategory     text                            
dimension.A     varchar(10)                             
dimension.B     varchar(10)                             
venturi_type    text                            
dimension.venturi.A     varchar(5)                              
dimension.venturi.B     varchar(5)                              
material        text                            
listprice       varchar(10)                             
description_html        text                            
weight  varchar(11)                             
filename        text            

Tommy Barrios

If you've got a good thing going, don't fix it!
On May 9, 2005, at 3:20 PM, sol beach wrote:

Please post the output from

DESC items;

On 5/9/05, Tommy Barrios <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Let me try this again, reworded for further clarity.

IF I use the following statement:
SELECT  *  FROM  `items`  WHERE  `item` = 10902 HAVING  `venturi_type`
= 'universal' OR `venturi_type` = 'special';
I get a complete and full data dump.

IF I change the statement by inserting a 'letter' in this case 'S'
instead of a 'number' in this case '0' in the 'item', i.e. from 10902
to 109S2 I get the following error:
#1054 - Unknown column '109S2' in 'where clause

IF I change the statement by putting single quotes around '109S2' then
I get an SQL execution completed result from phpMAdmin, but NO data

The column 'venturi_type' is the same NO MATTER what part number 'item'
is and should display, yet it does not.

Why should it make a difference wether I have a letter or a numeral in
a part number?

BTW this is not my server and I have no control over how the MySQL
database was initially setup or configured.

Tommy Barrios

If you've got a good thing going, don't fix it!

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