
Thanks so much, this is exactly what I was looking for. I was having trouble getting the condition (page_links.page_id=6) in the right place. I had gotten as far as

SELECT page.page_id, page_keyword
FROM page
LEFT JOIN page_links
ON page.page_id=page_links.child_id
WHERE page.page_id<>6
AND page_links.child_id is null;

Which of course didn't give me what I was looking for. And of course it never occured to me I could put the missing condition in the ON clause. This one was a challenge for me, as I normally don't have to do anything beyond very simple queries.

Thanks again!



"Kristen G. Thorson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 05/17/2005 02:37:12 PM:

I am moving some code that was developed against MySQL 4.1 to a server with 3.23, and I have one query that uses a subquery. I'm having a bear

of a time wrapping my mind around how to convert this. The original query is this:

SELECT page.page_id, page.page_keyword
FROM page
WHERE page.page_id<>6
AND page.page_id
   SELECT page_links.child_id
   FROM page_links
   WHERE page_links.page_id=6 )

The table `page_links` contains "parent" (page_links.page_id) and "child" (page_links.child_id) mappings for items in `page`. Given a page.page_id=6, I want all items in `page` that satisfy the following:



page.page_id<>page_links.child_id only where page_links.page_id=6

So, for a given page, I want all possible child page candidates (condition is that current child pages and the given page are not possible candidates).

Thanks in advance!



SELECT page.page_id, page.page_keyword
FROM page
WHERE page.page_id<>6
AND page.page_id NOT IN (
    SELECT page_links.child_id
    FROM page_links
    WHERE page_links.page_id=6 )

JOINED: SELECT page.page_id, page.page_keyword FROM page LEFT JOIN page_links on page.page_ID = page_links.child_id and page_links.page_id=6 WHERE page.page_id<>6 AND page_links.page_id is null

The trick to doing a NOT IN() query as a JOIN query is that you try to make an _optional_ match on your columns/conditions (LEFT JOIN...ON...) then look for those rows where the match-up conditions are *not* met (WHERE <table_on_the_right>.nonnullablecolumnname is NULL). I have assumed that in the table page_links, page_id is not a nullable column. So by checking for a null where there shouldn't be one, you detect where the matching conditions in your LEFT JOIN phrase weren't met. Does that make sense?

I know that talking in the negative can be confusing so here it is from the other direction. A LEFT JOIN will make sure that all of the rows of the LEFT table (the first table listed) are available to be processed against the conditions of the WHERE clause but only those rows from the table on the right-hand side of the phrase that meet the ON conditions will be in that same list. All column values (even those that are not normally nullable) for the table on the right side of a LEFT JOIN will be NULL if there is no match that meets the ON condition(s).

Shawn Green Database Administrator Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine

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