Also try running the delete more frequently. It won't cause much of a lock if there is an index on accountcode and mysql doesn't find any rows to delete.

gerald_clark wrote:

Matthew Simpson wrote:

I use Mysql to store call detail records from telephone calls. I have around 20 voice switches that send the call detail records in real time using INSERT statements.

I am having a problem where I need to delete "junk" call records that get generated [old call records, call records with no accountcode, etc.], but when I try to run the DELETE query, SQL grinds to a halt which causes my voice switches to halt because they can't run the INSERT queries. Is this because of table locking? An example delete query:

DELETE from cdr WHERE accountcode=''

Is there a way to make the DELETE query run at a lower priority and allow the INSERTs?

DELETE from cdr WHERE accountcode='' LIMIT 10

wait, and run again until there is nothing more to delete.

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