I have an InnoDB table running on MySQL 4.1.11 

The MySQL server configuration use : default-character-set=utf8

I have a table unicode_tbl with 'default charset set utf8' and a field szWord 
varchar(50) character set utf8 collate utf8_general_ci.

if  I use the C API like this :
    mysql_query (mysql, "INSERT INTO db_unicode.unicode_tbl VALUES (6, _utf8 
'atüpedâ' COLLATE utf8_general_ci)");
I get the string 'at' in my table.

If I use the same query in 'MySQL Query Browser' I can get the whole string 
'atüpedâ' in my table.
To get the same result I have to write : 
    mysql_query (mysql, "INSERT INTO db_unicode.unicode_tbl VALUES (6, 

Everything works like if the C API only accepts ANSI strings.

Is it possible to directly insert an unicode string using the C API ?
Is it possible to get in MYSQL_ROW an unicode string after performing a select 
for example using : swprintf(w_out, _T("%s\n"), row[1]); ?

If not is MySQL 5.x will allow this ? when ?

Thanks in advance 

Patrice Serrand

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